Report Builder
Enabling decision-making and allowing users the opportunity to investigate and solve all kinds of identified issues, reporting has stood out as a turnkey solution since time immemorial. The process of reporting begins by compiling and reviewing the information within a specific functional area where performance is monitored and measured. Once the gathered information has been reviewed, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made. The reports might end up explaining why an issue has occurred and eventually will recommend a course of action to fight the same.
On this front, the Zeta Marketing Platform has its very own Report Builder, which is a flexible, ad hoc reporting tool that allows users to build their own Customer Marketing, Prospect Marketing, Programmatic, Customer Data Management, Website - Overlay, and Website- In Page reports in the Zeta Marketing Platform.
Choose from hundreds of metrics and dimensions, dynamic and fixed date ranges, exhaustive filters, and data visualizations to surface only the most important data.
To get to the Report Builder, follow these steps within the ZMP:
1. From the menu on the left, navigate to Analytics > Report Builder.
2. This will open the reports list page. All your saved or automated reports will be displayed here. To build a new report click on the Build a New Report button on the top-right.
Depending on your permissions and Zeta product configuration, the navigation menu may vary.
Now that you’re in the Report Builder, you can begin building a report.
If this is your first time in the Report Builder, you’ll see the Feature Exploration guide that highlights important aspects of the Report Builder and gets updated with new releases.
Check the 'Do not show this again' box to stop the Feature Exploration guide from opening automatically.
The Builder is the tool you can use to design your report. The Builder can be moved anywhere on the screen. It can be resized however you would like. It can also be collapsed to either the right or left side of the screen (report content will adjust when the Builder is collapsed so that you have a clear view of your content).
This section shows a clear narrative for the report you’re building. As you select the report parameters like metrics, dimensions, filters, date range, etc. in your report, the Narrative will automatically update. The colored pills are interactive. Metrics, dimensions, filters, and forecasts can all be removed by hovering over the pill. When you click on data, dates, and visualizations from the narrative you will be taken to that tab.
By default, the Narrative is in Narrative View but can be switched to List View which will show the parameters in a list instead of a sentence format. The Narrative can be popped out into its own window that can be moved and resized as needed, separate from the rest of the Builder. Clicking on the colored pills while the narrative is popped out will still control the Builder.
At any time you can copy the narrative to a clipboard in order to more easily share insights.
Below the Narrative, you can see the Data, where you will select the data you want to build your report on. On the left side of the screen, you’ll notice that the Data Panel is open.
To collapse the Builder, drag it to either the left or right side of the screen or click on the x in the top right side of the component. The following data sets are available by default for users to select from:
Customer Marketing | This report analyzes Customer Marketing data, specifically the metrics |
Enterprise Activation | This report analyzes Enterprise Activation data, specifically the metrics |
Media Activation | This report analyzes Media Activation data, specifically the metrics |
Customer Data Management | This report analyzes Customer Data Management data, specifically the metrics |
Website - Overlay | This report analyzes Website - Overlay data, specifically the metrics |
Website - In Page | This report analyzes Website - In Page data, specifically the metrics |
Events | This report analyzes Events data, specifically the metrics |
Audiences | This report analyzes Audience data, specifically the metrics |
The Metrics tab is where you can select all the metrics you would like included in your report. In order for a table to populate, you will need to select at least one metric and one dimension.
The Dimensions tab is where you can select all the dimensions you would like included in your report. In order for a table to populate, you will need to select at least one metric and one dimension.
The Metrics & Dimensions Dictionary is always available for your reference.
Once you have made your metric and dimension selections, you can filter your data in the Filters tab.
You can add more filters by selecting the + Add Filter button. When adding a new filter, you can adjust the and/or operator. To remove a filter, click on the action menu to the right of the filter and select Delete from the dropdown.
Operator | Criteria |
Equals | Use to find an exact match |
is less than | Eliminates records with a higher numerical value than entered |
is less than equals | Eliminates records that are higher or equal to the numerical value than entered |
does not equal | Eliminates the records that do not match the value entered. |
is greater than | Eliminates records with a lower numerical value than entered |
is greater than equal to | Eliminates records with a lower or equal numerical value than entered |
value exists | Use to find a value within a field that also includes other values |
value does not exist | Use to find results excluding the value you enter within a field that also includes other values |
In range | Use to find results within a range while excluding the values that fall outside of the entered range. |
contains | Use for fields that include your search string, but sometimes also include other information |
starts with | Use when you know what your value starts with, but not the exact text |
does not contain | Use for fields that do not include your search string |
ends with | Use when you know what your value ends with, but not the exact text |
is one of | Use to find an exact match in fields that also include other information |
contains one of | Use for fields that include your search string, but sometimes also include other information |
The filters below are not currently supported for Programmatic reports:
Does not contain
Contains one of
Starts with
Ends with
Lesser than or equal
Greater than or equal
You can add more filter options or a new filter by selecting the + Add new filter button again or by clicking on the + button above the first filter.
By adding a new filter, you must select and/or as your operator.
OR operators are not supported in the Programmatic Report Type.
To remove a filter, click on Clear on the top right side of the filter box.
Please note that some metric filters only allow numeric values
The Visualizations tab allows you to customize and add new visualizations to your report. You can add up to three visualizations to your report. Visualization options are as follows:
You can add a name to your table and select whether or not you would like totals to be displayed.
Table view is the default view. If the table is selected, users will need to make dimension and metric selections before being able to change the type of data visualization shown.
Line Chart:
You can adjust the Y-and X-Axis values for your line chart as well as give it a name in the right panel of the modal.
Bar Chart:
You can adjust the Y-and X-Axis values for your bar chart as well as give it a name in the right panel of the modal.
In the Dates tab of the Builder, you can select a dynamic or fixed date range. By default, new reports have the dynamic date range Last 30 days applied.
Dynamic Date Ranges | Definition |
Today | Data available for today, the day the report is built. |
Yesterday | The day before the day the report is built. |
Last 2 days | Last 2 days, including the current day. |
Last 3 days | Last 3 days, including the current day. |
Last 4 days | Last 4 days, including the current day. |
Last 5 days | Last 5 days, including the current day. |
Last 6 days | Last 5 days, including the current day. |
Last 7 days | Last 7 days, including the current day. |
Last Week | All days in previous Monday - Sunday week, counting the Monday - Sunday that the current day falls within. |
Last 14 days | Last 14 days, including the current day. |
Last 28 days | Last 28 days, including the current day. |
Last 30 days | Last 30 days, including the current day. |
This month | All days in the current month, including the current day. |
Last month | All days in the previous month. |
Last 2 months | Last 2 months, including the current month. |
Last 3 months | Last 3 months, including the current month. |
Last 6 months | Last 6 months, including the current month. |
Last year | All days since the same day in the previous year, including the current day (last 365 days). |
Previous year | All months in the previous calendar year (in 2024 this would pull all months of 2023). |
Week to date | All days in the current week, including the current day. Weeks are defined as Monday - Sunday. |
Quarter to date | All days in the current quarter, including the current day. |
Year to date | All days in the current year, including the current day. |
All dynamic date range options include today’s (as in, the day you are building the report) data excluding yesterday’s, which includes only the day before today’s data.
Fixed Date Ranges
To select a Fixed Date Range, scroll to the end of the Dynamic Date Range list and click on Select date range. Then, select your start and end dates using the calendar tool.
In the Forecasts tab of the Builder, you can select metrics from a limited list to forecast 1, 7, or 30 days out for Customer Marketing or Media Activation reports.
Forecastable Metrics in Customer Marketing:
Click Rate
In order to forecast these metrics you must also have at least one of these dimensions selected. If you do not, the Builder will autoselect them for you. Removing the required dimension will remove the forecasted metric as well.
Campaign ID
Channel Name (only Email and SMS)
Forecastable Metrics in Media Activation:
Click Rate
Conversion Rate
In order to forecast these metrics you must also have at least one of these dimensions selected. If you do not, the Builder will autoselect them for you. Removing the required dimension will remove the forecasted metric as well.
Deliver Channel
Depending on the data type you selected in the Data tab, you may see an additional tab called Parameters. in this tab, you can make additional selections specific to that dataset.
We are always looking to optimize your experience while building reports. Let us know if you like the new Builder component by making a selection on the bottom left side of the Builder. Once a selection has been made the feedback option will disappear.
If you see the feedback option again in the future that means we've made an update and would love to know what you think of it!
There are two ways to share your report: during building and from the Reports list.
Exporting While Building
In the top right corner select Export/Automate from the action menu.
Exporting from Reports List
In the Reports list, click on the action menu in the row with your report and click on Export/Automate.
As the Export & Automate panel appears on the right:
Select the way in which you want to receive your report: Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, Email, Google Buckets, or SFTP, and click on Next.
1. If you wish to export your report via Email, add the recipient’s Email Address(s), Email Subject, and Comments (Optional) to be included within your report.
2. Select the file type for your report: CSV or XLS.
3. Click on Export.
Amazon S3
Make sure you’ve set up Amazon S3 connections for your ZMP account from within Settings > Connections.
1. If you wish to export your report via Amazon S3, select the Amazon S3 Connection from the dropdown and click on Next.
2. Select the file type for your report: CSV or XLS.
3. Click on Export.
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
Make sure you’ve set up Microsoft Azure connections for your ZMP account from within Settings > Connections.
1. If you wish to export your report via Microsoft Azure, select Microsoft Azure Blob Storage from the dropdown and click on Next.
2. Select the desired Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connection from the available list and click on Next.
3. Select the file type for your report: CSV or XLS.
4. Click on Save As & Export.
Google Buckets
1. If you wish to export your report via Google Buckets, select the Google Buckets Connection from the dropdown and click on Next.
2. Select the file type for your report: CSV or XLS.
3. Click on Export.
Make sure you’ve set up SFTP connections for your ZMP account from within Settings > Connections.
1. If you wish to export your report via SFTP, select the SFTP Connection from the dropdown and click on Next.
2. Click on Add Subdirectory to choose the address the SFTP connection should link out to.
3. Select the file type for your report: CSV or XLS.
4. Click on Export.
To schedule your report for continued delivery, use the Automate Export feature.
1. Within the Export & Automate panel, click on the Automate Export toggle.
2. Select the cadence at which you want to receive your report, and fill in the required respective details.
3. Click on Schedule Export.
When scheduling the automated report, ensure that the scheduled automation occurs one hour after the current timezone set for the account.
To save your newly created report for later viewing, use the Save feature. In the Save modal, you will see the report Details on the left and the Narrative on the right.
1. In the top right corner, click on the Save button.
2. Add a Name for your report
3. Add a Question for your report. This is to help determine what business question the reports helps answer. This is optional.
4. Add a description of your report. This is optional.
5. If you would like to save your report as a template then check the Save as Template checkbox.
Templates require dynamic date ranges, so if you do not have one selected you will be prompted to make that selection before being able to save as a template.
Report List
You can manage all of your previously saved and automated reports in the Report List.
Field | Description |
Name | Title of report |
Status | Shows whether a report is active or inactive |
Cadence | Frequency and time of report being sent |
Report Type | Shows the type of the report: Customer Marketing, Programmatic, Prospect Marketing, Customer Data Management, Events, Website - In Page, Website - Overlay, Audience |
Next Send | Data on the time and date the report will be sent next |
Last Sent | Data on the time and date the report was last sent |
Last Modified | Data on the time and date the report was last edited on |
Created By | Owner of the report |
Viewing Report Details
1. Click anywhere on a report row to pop open the About section of the report.
Editing a Report
1. Within the action menu, select Edit to open the Report Builder screen.
2. Once you’ve made the necessary edits, click on Save to save the report with the name and description as is.
3. Click on Save As from the dropdown to change the report’s Name and Description in the popup that appears. Any changes made to the saved report's name or description will save a new report.
Deleting a Report
1. Within the action menu on the far right, select Delete.
2. In the popup, you can confirm your deletion by clicking on Yes, Delete or Cancel.
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