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Report Builder

Enabling decision-making and allowing users the opportunity to investigate and solve all kinds of identified issues, reporting has stood out as a turnkey solution since time immemorial. The process of reporting begins by compiling and reviewing the information within a specific functional area where performance is monitored and measured. Once the gathered information has been reviewed, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made. The reports might end up explaining why an issue has occurred and eventually will recommend a course of action to fight the same.

On this front, the Zeta Marketing Platform has its very own Report Builder, which is a flexible, ad hoc reporting tool that allows users to build their own Customer Marketing, Prospect Marketing, Programmatic, Customer Data Management, Website - Overlay, and Website- In Page reports in the Zeta Marketing Platform.

Choose from hundreds of metrics and dimensions, dynamic and fixed date ranges, exhaustive filters, and data visualizations to surface only the most important data.

Getting Started: Building Your Report

To get to the Report Builder, follow these steps within the ZMP:

1. From the menu on the left, navigate to Analytics > Report Builder.

2. This will open the reports list. All your saved or automated reports will be displayed here. To build a new report, click on the Build a New Report button on the top-right.

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Now that you’re in the Report Builder, you can begin building a report.


This section shows a clear narrative for the report you’re building. As you select the report parameters like dataset, metrics, dimensions, filters, date range, etc. in your report, the Narrative will automatically update. 

  • The colored pills are interactive. Metrics, dimensions, filters, and forecasts can all be removed by hovering over the pill. When you click on data, dates, and visualizations from the narrative, you will be taken to that specific tab.


Below the Narrative, you can see the Data, where you will select the data you want to build your report on and its key components. Within the Data Panel, you can choose a dataset for your report:


Standard Datasets

These are Zeta-offered off-the-shelf datasets based on data captured from Campaigns.

Here’s the list of the standard datasets available:

Customer Marketing

This report analyzes Customer Marketing data, specifically the metrics

Enterprise Activation

This report analyzes Enterprise Activation data, specifically the metrics

Media Activation

This report analyzes Media Activation data, specifically the metrics

Customer Data Management

This report analyzes Customer Data Management data, specifically the metrics

Website - Overlay

This report analyzes Website - Overlay data, specifically the metrics

Website - In Page

This report analyzes Website - In Page data, specifically the metrics


This report analyzes Events data, specifically the metrics


This report analyzes Audience data, specifically the metrics

Custom Datasets

If any custom dataset is added for the account, it will show up under this tab.

  • Admins: Advanced users will have the option to edit and add aggregate metrics to the custom dataset. The updated dataset will also be available to other users in the account.

Speak with your Account team if your team would like to get access to the Edit capability.


The Dimensions tab is where you can select all the dimensions you would like included in your report.



The Metrics tab is where you can select all the metrics you would like included in your report.


For a table to populate, you will need to select at least one metric and one dimension.

The Metrics & Dimensions Dictionary is always available for your reference.


Once you have made your metric and dimension selections, you can filter your data in the Filters tab.

  • Global Filters: Apply any global filters to refine data for analysis e.g. specific Campaign, Channel etc.

  • You can add more filters by selecting the Add Filter button. When adding a new filter, you can adjust the and/or operator.

  • To remove a filter, click on the action menu to the right of the filter and select Delete from the dropdown.

Available Operators




Use to find an exact match

is less than

Eliminates records with a higher numerical value than entered

is less than equals

Eliminates records that are higher or equal to the numerical value than entered

does not equal

Eliminates the records that do not match the value entered.

is greater than

Eliminates records with a lower numerical value than entered

is greater than equal to

Eliminates records with a lower or equal numerical value than entered

value exists

Use to find a value within a field that also includes other values

value does not exist

Use to find results excluding the value you enter within a field that also includes other values

In range

Use to find results within a range while excluding the values that fall outside of the entered range.


Use for fields that include your search string, but sometimes also include other information

starts with

Use when you know what your value starts with, but not the exact text

does not contain

Use for fields that do not include your search string

ends with

Use when you know what your value ends with, but not the exact text

is one of

Use to find an exact match in fields that also include other information

contains one of

Use for fields that include your search string, but sometimes also include other information

The following filters are not currently supported for Programmatic reports:

  • Does not contain, Contains one of, Starts with, Ends with, Lesser than or equal, Greater than or equal, Between

OR operators are not supported in the Programmatic Report Type.

Please note that some metric filters only allow numeric values


In the Forecasts tab of the Builder, you can select metrics from a limited list to forecast 1, 7, or 30 days out for Customer Marketing or Media Activation reports. 

Forecastable Metrics

Forecastable Metrics in Customer Marketing: 

  • Click Rate

  • Conversions

  • Opens

  • Sent

In order to forecast these metrics you must also have at least one of these dimensions selected. If you do not, the Builder will autoselect them for you. Removing the required dimension will remove the forecasted metric as well. 

  • Campaign ID

  • Channel Name (only Email and SMS)

 Forecastable Metrics in Media Activation: 

  • Impressions

  • Click Rate

  • Conversion Rate

 In order to forecast these metrics you must also have at least one of these dimensions selected. If you do not, the Builder will autoselect them for you. Removing the required dimension will remove the forecasted metric as well. 

  • Device

  • Hour

  • Deliver Channel 


Depending on the data type you selected in the Data tab, you may see an additional tab called Parameters. In this tab, you can make additional selections specific to that dataset. 


Once selections are made, a data table preview will appear, displaying the filtered dataset for developing the report.

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Dynamic Date Ranges



Data available for today, the day the report is built. 


The day before the day the report is built. 

Last 2 days

Last 2 days, including the current day.

Last 3 days

Last 3 days, including the current day.

Last 4 days

Last 4 days, including the current day.

Last 5 days

Last 5 days, including the current day.

Last 6 days

Last 5 days, including the current day.

Last 7 days

Last 7 days, including the current day.

Last Week

All days in previous Monday - Sunday week, counting the Monday - Sunday that the current day falls within.

Last 14 days

Last 14 days, including the current day.

Last 28 days

Last 28 days, including the current day.

Last 30 days

Last 30 days, including the current day.

This month

All days in the current month, including the current day.

Last month

All days in the previous month.

Last 2 months

Last 2 months, including the current month.

Last 3 months

Last 3 months, including the current month.

Last 6 months

Last 6 months, including the current month.

Last year

All days since the same day in the previous year, including the current day (last 365 days).

Previous year

All months in the previous calendar year (in 2024 this would pull all months of 2023).

Week to date

All days in the current week, including the current day. Weeks are defined as Monday - Sunday.

Quarter to date

All days in the current quarter, including the current day.

Year to date

All days in the current year, including the current day.

All dynamic date range options include today’s (as in, the day you are building the report) data excluding yesterday’s, which includes only the day before today’s data.

Customizing: Charts & Visualizations

The Visualizations tab allows you to customize and enhance your report with intuitive chart configuration options:

Chart Type Selection

Choose from the following chart types:


X-Axis & Y-Axis Configuration

Define how your data is visualized.


Color Customization

Within the Styles tab, adjust colors for better differentiation in your charts.

  • Single Pallete applied per Report -

    • Changing color assignment to a metric will assign the color to all chart visuals using that metric.

    • If the Color swatch is updated to a new color, all metrics using 1st color in pallete will be updated to use the new color.


Caption Label, Legend & Zoom Controls

Within the Styles tab, show/hide controls:

  • Rename Axis Caption

  • Show/Hide Legend

  • Show/Hide Axis Labels

  • Zooming Control for deeper analysis

  • Half Row or Full Row Chart Size

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Finalizing: Saving & Exporting

Review your report and Save the report giving it a name and optional question and description. Also, you could choose to save this report as a template for future use.

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You can also export or schedule ongoing report delivery by clicking on the action menu icon (…) on the header and clicking on Export/Automate.

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  • Select the way in which you want to receive your report: Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, Email, Google Buckets, or SFTP, and click on Next.

  • Select the cadence at which you want to receive your report: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.

Learn more about the Export Destinations.

You can modify charts or data selections anytime for up-to-date insights.

  • Check out our FAQs page to find all your answers at once.

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