“It’s not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” - Eugene Jonesco
With the aim to respond to your needs more quickly and appropriately, we have jotted down the most frequently asked questions about the Zeta Opportunity Explorer.
Why is my CustomerPulse not generating the report yet?
New users should expect reports delivered in 1-2 business days. Existing users should expect updates in 6-8 hours.
Are these lookbacks customizeable; e.g. does Zeta retain historical data that we can access with this tool?
Lookbacks are not typically customizable as it is too costly to store so much historical data. We do save some limited historical data available though, so if you have a specific need, please let us know and we can evaluate what is possible.
For a Customer Pulse segment, will the data six months from now reflect the prior 3 months, or July/August/September 2023 in perpetuity?
The members of the segment itself will change over time as new users are added to that segment, but the insights generated in the CustomerPulse will not update over time. The insights shown are relative to when the analysis was run. If you'd like to get regularly refreshed insights for this segment, we can schedule the CustomerPulse to run on a weekly, monthly or quarterly frequency. The refresh rate does depends on what is included in the client's contract, so we will need to confirm that before moving forward with any scheduled insights.