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“Events are not a matter of chance” - Gamal Abdel Nasser

Events are the actions your users are taking and can be used to trigger campaigns and experiences on a 1:1 level. On the Events page, you'll find a list of events, the user id of the user generating the event if they're an identified user or anonymous if the user is unidentified, and the time when the event took place. Furthermore, the payload of the event can be seen by clicking on the event name. Clicking on the user id will take you to the user's profile. 

The Events page is commonly used for testing, verifying, and troubleshooting a site integration and file-based event imports.

Omitted Events

Event properties can change every time they're imported unless you submit a request for us to manually omit those changes. In the rare case where the data type for an event property changes (eg, order_id is submitted as an integer and then later as a string), we reserve the right to remove that event from being processed in order to keep our systems running optimally.

These omitted events will not process any changes, including new event properties that have been added, and will not be available to be used in Audience Explorer or Experience Builder.

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