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Ad Assignment

Let’s have a look at the new Ad Assignment UI as well as the steps you need to perform in order to assign Ads within the DSP Platform:

Make sure you have already created Ads for your Advertiser.

1. Click on the DSP logo in the upper left corner. Within the menu that appears for Advertisers and Admin, select the Account that contains your advertiser housing the ads.

2. The DSP shows all the advertiser's campaigns. Within the Campaign Grid, select a Campaign.

3. Click on Campaign Settings at the top right to access the Campaign Builder UI.

Prior to Ad Assignment, you should have already completed Step 1 and Step 2.

4. Click on Step 7: Ads from the menu on the left.

Ad Settings

Let’s have a look at the descriptions of each field present in the Ad settings page of the Campaign Builder:




Choose either non-secure http:// or secure https://

Landing URL

This field is used for ads assigned to the campaign, if they are not declared on the ad itself the ad will inherit the campaigns landing URL

Ad Server

The default Ad Server is Sizmek DSP - this will be updated in a future release

Privacy Icon (Toggle)

This field is not editable. If you have any questions please reach out to your Account Manager

Icon Type

This field is not editable. These choices will differ dependant on Account Setup

Icon Location

This field is not editable. If you need to have this changed please reach out to your Account Manager

On the right-hand side of the page, you can see the option to filter:

  • Users can expand and contract each filter.

  • When applying filters, the number next to the filter selected will change based on what was applied.

Learn more about the available filters




Line Item - Status

Filters by Line Items Status

Status Definitions Below:

  • Running - Line Item is enabled/live

  • Paused - Line Item is inactive/paused

  • Active Flight - Flight is active (current day falls within Flight Start and End Dates)

Line Item - Name

Filters by Line Item Name

Users can add in tags for easy filtering - Simply click (plus) ​Ad Tag and create a tag of your choice, the platform will then filter that tag if the Line Item name contains that tag

Tactic Status

Filters by the Tactic Status

Status Definitions Below:

  • Running - The Tactic is enabled/live

  • Paused - The Tactic is inactive/paused

Tactic Name

Filters by Tactic Name

Users can add in tags for easy filtering - Simply click (plus) ​Ad Tag and create a tag of your choice, the platform will then filter that tag if the Tactic name contains that tag

Ad Status

Filters by the Ad Status

Status Definitions Below:

  • Running - Ad is enabled/live

  • Paused - Ad is inactive/paused

Ad Name

Filters by Ad Name

Users can add in tags for easy filtering - Simply click (plus) ​Ad Tag and create a tag of your choice, the platform will then filter that tag if the Ad name contains that tag

Audit Status - All Sources

Filters by Ad Audit Status across ALL Exchanges

Status Below:

  • Pending (Internal)

  • Pending (Exchanges)

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Audit Status - Google ADX SSL

Filters by Ad Audit Status on Google ADX SSL Only

  • Pending

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Audit Status - Xandr

Filters by Ad Audit Status on Xandr Only

  • Pending

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Audit Status - Xandr MS

Filters by Ad Audit Status on Xandr MS Only

  • Pending

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Assigning Ads

1. Check the boxes against the Line Item(s)/Tactic(s) where ads need to be assigned and click on Update Ads.

Clicking on the Expand (>) icon against a Line Item will reveal its Tactics. Selecting a Line Item will select all the Tactics within it.

2. From the list of Available Ads (housed at the Advertiser level) that appears, select the ones you want to assign to the selected line item(s) and click on Save.

You can further filter the list of ads for better searchability:

3. Within the Assigned Ads tab, use the checkboxes to de-select and remove any ads that may have been accidentally selected for assignment (Ad assignments are not saved until the Save button has been clicked)

4. After saving the assigned ads, click on Close to return to the Ad Assignment grid.

5. The count of the assigned ads for the selected Tactic(s) will be updated.

  • Once a Tactic has at least one ad assigned, an Expand (>) icon becomes available at the Tactic level, clicking on which will display a list of the ads assigned to the said Tactic.

6. Click on an assigned ad within the Tactic to open the Ad Info panel and view its details.

  • The (info) section will display the Ad Preview and read-only details, as well as the ability to change the status of an ad with the toggle and edit the ad in a new tab (pencil icon)

  • The < > section will display the HTML tag, as well as any extra HTML (applicable to HTML and Image ads only)

  • The last section (|||) will display the audit details of the selected ad.

7. Click on Save & Continue to Advanced Settings (Optional) at the bottom of the screen to continue building your campaign.

Unassigning Ads

1. Use the checkboxes to select the Tactic(s) where ads need to be unassigned.

2. Click on the Update Ads button, then navigate to the Assigned Ads tab.

If multiple Tactics were selected, the Available Ads tab will display all ads assigned to any of the selected Tactics.

3. De-select the ads to be unassigned, then click on Save to confirm the changes.

Managing Ads

In order to view a grid/list of all ads assigned to the campaign without the Line Item/Tactic hierarchy view, click on the Actions button at the top-right of the Ads step and select Manage Ads.

Available functionalities within this page include:

  • Search

  • Filters

  • Column Manager

  • Export

Click on the Magnifying Glass to Search for Ads.

  • As the Ad Name filter will be highlighted, add in the search criteria and click on Enter

    • The list of ads containing the Ad Tag will be displayed


  • Click on the Funnel Icon to Filter Ads.

Learn more about the available filters





Filters Ads by Status

Status Definitions Below:

  • Running - Line Item is enabled/live

  • Paused - Line Item is inactive/paused

Ad Name

Filters Ads by Name

Users can add in tags for easy filtering - Simply click (plus) ​Ad Tag and create a tag of your choice, the platform will then filter that tag if the Ad name contains that tag


Filters Ads by ID

  • Equal to =

  • Not Equal to

  • >- Greater Than

  • < - Less Than

  • Between

  • Not Between


Filters Ads by Type - Choices Below:

  • HTML

  • Image

  • Video/Audio

  • Native


Filters Ads by Size

Enter in the Ad sizes for the system to filter by

Example shown on the right - 728x90 and 300x250

Start Date

Filters Ads by Start Date (if implemented)

  • Equal to =

  • Not Equal to

  • >- Greater than or equal to

  • < - Less than or equal to

  • Between

  • Not Between

Click the Calendar icon to Select Date

End Date

Filters Ads by End Date (if implemented)

  • Equal to =

  • Not Equal to

  • >- Greater than or equal to

  • <- Less than or equal to

  • Between

  • Not Between

Click the Calendar icon to Select Date


Filters Ads by Creation Date

  • Equal to =

  • Not Equal to

  • >- Greater than or equal to

  • <- Less than or equal to

  • Between

  • Not Between

Click the Calendar icon to Select Date

Last Updated

Filters Ads by Last Updated Date

  • Equal to =

  • Not Equal to

  • >- Greater than or equal to

  • <- Less than or equal to

  • Between

  • Not Between

Click the Calendar icon to Select Date

Audit Status

Filter by Ad Audit Status across ALL Exchanges

Status Below:

  • Pending (Internal)

  • Pending (Exchanges)

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Audit Status - Google ADX SSL

Filters by Ad Audit Status on Google ADX SSL Only

  • Pending

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Audit Status - Xandr

Filters by Ad Audit Status on Xandr Only

  • Pending

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Audit Status - Xandr MS

Filters by Ad Audit Status on Xandr MS Only

  • Pending

  • Passed

  • Failed

  • Other (Expired, Inauditable, Blacklisted)

For More information on Status Definitions Click Here

Campaign Name

Filters Ads by Assigned Campaign Name

Users can add in tags for easy filtering - Simply click (plus) Ad Tag and create a tag of your choice, the platform will then filter that tag if the Campaign Name contains that tag

Campaign ID

Filters Ads by Assigned Campaign ID

Enter in the Campaign Id to the Search field for results

Line Item Name

Filters Ads by Assigned Line Item Name

Users can add in tags for easy filtering - Simply click (plus) ​Ad Tag and create a tag of your choice, the platform will then filter that tag if the Line Item name contains that tag

Line Item Id

Filters Ads by Assigned Line Item ID

Enter in the Line Item Id to the Search field for results

Tactic Name

Filters Ads by Assigned Tactic Name

Users can add in tags for easy filtering - Simply click (plus) ​Ad Tag and create a tag of your choice, the platform will then filter that tag if the Tactic name contains that tag

Tactics Id

Filters Ads by Assigned Tactic ID

Enter in the Tactic Id to the Search field for results

3rd Party Placement ID

Filters Ads by Assigned 3rd Party Placement ID

Enter in the 3rd Party Placement ID to the Search field for results

Column Manager

Click on the Gear icon and choose the Filters to render for the Manage Ads Page, and click on Apply.


You can download the contents of the grid as-is to CSV.

  • Click on the Export Icon to download the file.


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