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SSO Setup

Let’s have a quick look at how easily you can accomplish an Okta SSO setup with our SAML-based authentication.

Pre-Setup Requisites

You need to create a new app in your Identity Provider (Okta) using SAML 2.0 integration. 

Recommended app name: <CLIENT>-zeta-mp
For example, clientA-zeta-mp

Steps Required for Okta SSO Setup

Go to the Settings page and provide the following details:

1. Enter the Single Sign-On URL in this format:<CONNECTION_NAME>

2. Enter the Audience URI (SP Entity ID) in this format:


For example,


3. In Attribute statements, enter:
Name: email
Name format (optional): Unspecified
Value: ${}

After the app is created in Okta, you need to provide us with the following details:

  • Your company's SSO URL

For example,


  • Your connection name which was used in the SAML integration

  • Signing certificate


After the entire setup is done, any user from the Okta account will be able to sign in to Zeta app with the Okta credentials; or using the below URL:<site_id>

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