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This page is intended to help you integrate your data into the Zeta Marketing Platform with Listrack. The information is intended to help in prospecting new, or existing clients with detail on how to integrate with the vendor.

Listrack Documentation

What does the Zeta Integration for Listrack do?

This pre-built outbound API connector to Listrack allows for the creation and syndication of customers from the Zeta Marketing Platform to Listrack. Marketers in the ZMP can use the decisioning of Experiences to decide when the creation of a new customer in Listrack is necessary and what to syndicate.


  • Set up your Listrack access token: Listrak Email REST API Reference

  • Plan your data flow

    • Understand in what scenarios a customer should be created

    • Determine what data needs to be stored per customer

    • Think through what additional data should be assigned at the point of contact; i.e. source of data, purpose of data, etc.




Assign Listrack Access Token

Create an overall Connection for Listrack using your access token: Connections

Create your Custom Channel

Utilize the default Channel Manager template to create your custom channel.

Create your Campaign Inputs

Create form fields for the additional data that should be assigned at the point of contact; i.e. source of data, purpose of data, campaign IDs, etc.

Map your data to the request

Utilize the JSON template to determine how the request should be populated. Use {{ form field calls to map form field inputs and other Zeta Markup Language to fill out the rest of the request: Zeta Markup Language (ZML)

Save Your Channel

Name your channel, so that your marketing team knows which channel to use. Note you can save multiple Listrack Channels for different endpoints.

User Your Channel

When setting up an Experience or a Broadcast Campaign (depending on the trigger), select the new channel from the dropdown and fill out the necessary fields..


For any questions or issues related to your integration please reach out to

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