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Experience Builder: An Overview

The Experience Builder, a core component of CDP Plus, is a powerful automation tool in the ZMP, unlocking triggered campaigns that are contextually relevant to a given person. It makes it easy to build, deploy, and analyze one-to-one experiences for customers. It has an advanced set of tools within the visual interface to create experience chains quickly.

1. To navigate to the Experience Builder, click on Experiences > Builder from the taskbar on the left of the screen.

experience library (1).png

2. The list of existing experiences (Experiences Library) gives you a quick insight into the status of the experience as well as some options on the right to modifyduplicate, share, archive, or delete the experience. You can also convert your experience into a template to be used by your team or another account. These templates appear in the panel above the experiences list.


3. To find experiences more easily, you can click on the search icon at the top-right of the screen allows you to search for experiences by name. Clicking on the filter icon will open a panel for you to narrow by Status, Tags, Creator, and Date. You can combine the search and filter criteria to yield more specific search results. These filters will stay active until you clear them.

Note: Search and filters can only be applied to experiences, not versions. If an experience qualifies, it will be returned with all its versions.


4. You can create a new experience by selecting the New Experience button at the top right of the screen.

Learn more about creating experiences.

Build Panel

As you create your experience, the Build panel acts as a central hub for you to keep track of experience-level data and settings. To access it, click the info icon in the top-right navigation. To close it, simply click outside on the canvas.


Section Name


About This Experience

Add experience details, including a description to let other teammates know your objectives for each automation. You can see the description in the Experiences Library page.

Required Actions Remaining

See what actions are required in order to activate an experience. If something is missing, the platform will highlight what to do next

Schedule This Experience

Set your activation date either now or the right date/time in the future. You can always change your scheduling date later.

While the experience is active, this panel can be used to instead schedule deactivation.

Experience Options

Configure experience-level settings such as Entrance and Exit Criteria.


Finished with your experience but you’re still a few days from launch day? Schedule your activation instead of waiting until the moment you’re ready to accept people into your workflow before clicking Activate Experience. Experience activations still default to “Now” and you can always change your scheduling date later by clicking Cancel Scheduled Activation in the top navigation.


Once your experience is live, you can use the same steps to schedule deactivation. If you schedule your deactivation, you’ll need to select whether you want in-flight users at the time of deactivation to be purged or to continue until exiting. You can always change your scheduling date later by clicking Cancel Scheduled Deactivation in the top navigation.


If the experience is deactivated and reactivated on the next day (out of the scheduled send-out) the experience triggers immediately and sends out the campaigns out of schedule. If there's a need to deactivate and reactivate the experience, it is important to ensure that this action is taken on the scheduled day or at least during reactivation so that the campaigns will be sent out on the correct scheduled day.

Deactivation and In-Flight Users

When you deactivate an experience, you are closing a version of the experience so that no users can ever enter that version again. For users who are currently in the experience at the time of deactivation, you have two options for handling them:

  • Immediately exit these users from this experience

  • Allow these users to finish the experience

If you allow in-flight users to finish the experience, then they will continue on in this version of the experience as if there were no deactivation. However, if you reactivate this experience, a new version will be active so any users who are finishing a previous version of the experience will start at the beginning of the new one if they’re eligible again (ie, meet the trigger node criteria). If you don’t want these in-flight users to re-enter an experience, you can use Entrance Criteria to limit multiple entrances or configure segmentation requirements. You can also choose to immediately exit them, which will ensure they’re not in a previous version of the experience.

Some live experiences can be edited, but these are limited to certain nodes. Learn more at Portable Experiences.

Using Canvas Controls

As your experience gets more complex, you can use a few tools to help you navigate to the correct part of your workflow quickly.


Every node you add to the canvas will show up in the MiniMap in your lower left-hand screen. You can use the MiniMap to drag the canvas or zoom in and out using your scroll gestures.



To zoom in and out of the canvas, you can use the following features:

  • Scrolling in and out on the MiniMap

  • Clicking the + and - buttons in the top left-hand corner

  • Using the 100% fit in the top left-hand corner



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