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Weather Targeting

Weather targeting uses Peer39 data to help you find audiences that are experiencing specific weather patterns, or flu activity patterns. This can be applied to all Display, Video, and Mobile inventory in the DSP.

If a user applies this targeting, an additional cost of $0.25 will be applied to the CPM.

All-weather data in the Zeta DSP is gathered from Aeris Weather. Learn more.

1. Within the Targeting tab of the Campaign Builder, the Targeting grid appears. Click on the (plus) sign against each row or object to add in its targeting rules.

2. Scroll down and select Weather.

Weather Conditions

3. Select specific weather conditions to target from the following options:

Temperature Range

4. Select a specific temperature range in °C or °Fand decide to use the Feels like temperature or natural temperature. 


5. Target users in geographic areas that are under government-issued alerts for severe weather.

Flu Activity

6. Target users in geographic areas that are under government-issued flu activity warnings.

Combining Conditions

Once you’ve selected the conditions, they show up on the right. Each of the weather conditions described above can be combined into Boolean logic-arranged groupings.

Boolean Descriptions



Includes ALL of the Following (AND)

Choosing AND means that the campaign only targets visitors who have been identified as belonging to all of the specified audiences. Use this with care as it can be very restrictive. For example, if you choose this and specify Auto Owners - Luxury Car and Auto-Owners - SUV you are specifying that the individual has been identified as owning both types of vehicles. If the intention had been to target those who owned one or the other, choose OR instead.

Includes ANY of the Following (OR)

Choosing OR means that the Zeta technology targets an Ad visitor if they are at least in one of the specified groups. For example, using this with the audiences (1) Fashionistas, (2) Female Executives and (3) Gender Male means that a person only needs to be in one of the groups to be targeted.

Excludes ALL of the following (NOT)

Choosing NOT excludes a particular audience from targeting. With this approach, you exclude from targeting anyone in the specified audiences, even if they happen to be in other audiences that you are also including. An important consideration with this option is to fully investigate the audience before excluding it. For example, suppose you choose Finance. Choosing its label reveals that this audience has multiple sub-audiences in multiple tiers, some of which you might actually prefer to include.

7. All conditions you select will appear in the Condition 1 box on the right-hand side. Select AND, OR, or NOT to choose how the DSP considers these conditions.

8. Create another grouping of conditions by clicking on the + Condition icon in the upper-left corner.

9. The DSP will generate a Condition 2 box where you can set up a second weather condition. Decide to combine these two conditions with an AND or OR operator.

10. Click on Save & Close when complete.

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