Troubleshooting Campaign Delivery
Let’s have a look at a few troubleshooting strategies to help identify why a campaign has little or no delivery.
Check Line Item Status
Make sure nothing is paused! Review the budgets on your lines to ensure they are set up correctly.
Maximize Available Inventory
Check your Targeting rules and Frequency Caps. Targeting and Frequency Caps both limit the available inventory.
Are you using Device targeting? Delivery Channel targeting may provide more inventory.
Do not target individual Exchanges. Allow all of them.
Review your Ad Audit status. If any ads are rejected or blacklisted, remove them.
Check Bidding Stats on the Tactic Level
Review the Bidding Stats table for every tactic in the campaign. This table will show you the total number of eligible bid requests by an hour of the current day and the last 7 days.
No eligible bids mean that the campaign is not actively bidding and there is a setup issue. If you have eligible bids that means your campaign is bidding.
Optimize your Creative
Request 15-second assets for the largest reach.
Make sure that each tag has only one creative behind it; rotating creatives can interrupt the bidding process.
Image Ads
Run static or animated Image Ads (jpeg, jpg, gif, png) and HTML5-compatible third-party Ad Server creative.
Try more ad sizes. Make sure you are running at least the standard ad sizes for the devices and channels you are running on.
Run static or animated image creative (jpeg, jpg, gif, png) and HTML5-compatible third-party Ad Server creative. Avoid running ads with flash components.
Make sure that each tag has only one creative behind it; rotating creatives can interrupt the bidding process.
Review Your Pixels
Try the following techniques:
Confirm all pixels are placed on the correct pages, see Managing Pixels for audit and troubleshooting techniques.
If you are using Image pixels, switch to JavaScript pixels.
Review Pixel Activity: Are all pixels firing daily and showing no dramatic change in trends?
If running a CPA campaign, does your CPA goal campaign have more than 1000 pixel fires/month, including at least 200 conversion pixel fires/month?
Also, have there been at least 200 attributed conversions (aka messaged fires) in total? If not, we strongly recommend not using a CPA or conversion goal until this level of activity is met.
If pixels are placed in a container, review the cache buster.
Pixel FAQs
Have you placed pixels on enough pages on the advertiser's site? Review the site and the conversion funnel to identify more pages to place pixels on. Placing pixels on pages you don't think are relevant to the conversion can still help improve performance, enabling the model to learn more about who and who not to target.
Use the below to calculate realistic and more aggressive CPAs based on daily spend and daily total conversion fires:
Average daily spend/(Average total daily conversion pixel fires * 0.05) = Conservative CPA estimate
Average daily spend/(Average total daily conversion pixel fires * 0.1)= Aggressive CPA estimate
Review Diagnose Tactic Feedback on the Tactic Level
The Diagnose Tactics feature provides feedback on a sample of requests. These results demonstrate how many bids are being excluded due to restrictions/applied targeting. You will not have results if your tactic is not delivering. See Tactics for details.
Run the Forecaster
When lines are underdelivering, re-create those line items targeting settings in the Forecaster. This tool will help forecast inventory, and provide insights into total bids, pricing, and scale. Zeta's core AI is the ability to moment score and optimize in real time.
To maximize our AI, we strongly recommend running campaigns with minimum constraints. Constraints meaning settings that direct inventory ex. Frequency Caps, data segments, content category targeting, etc. See