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Pricing Types

Pricing Type



Cost Per Mille, i.e. cost per thousand ad impressions. 


Average dynamic Cost Per Mille (Thousand).

Dynamic CPM reflects the actual price paid for an Impression purchased at an Exchange. This means that the Zeta technology varies the CPM dynamically as needed, but with a maximum average value, and an optional minimum average value.

dCPM is often lower than the actual bid because of the use by many exchanges of second bid auction game theory. With dCPM, the rate can fluctuate on a per-impression basis, but averages out to a flat CPM that satisfies the budget.

Enter the minimum allowed dCPM and maximum allowed dCPM. Read more about this pricing type below.


Impressions served free of charge.

dCPM Pricing

For dCPM pricing, you can assign the min/max value at the line item level and tactic level examples below:

  • The minimum dCPM is set to 10% of the maximum dCPM. You can manually adjust the minimum and maximum values. Generally, it's best to set the minimum as low as possible. Although it may seem that a higher setting would avoid cheap inventory and brand safety issues, the AI already corrects this. You may also employ Traffic Quality Targeting as a further guarantee in this regard.

  • Changes to dCPM values will update in 15 minutes. The platform will begin to modify bidding behavior at that time, but it is designed to make slow incremental changes based on the new value the user enters.

  • Allowable min dCPM values are $0.01 to 90% of max dCPM.

  • The pacing of dCPM campaigns is not impacted by impression discrepancies with an Ad Server unless we hit the dCPM cap as a result of issues with third-party Ad Server attribution. If that's the case, a flat DCPM cap will be used to calculate the spend.




Does the DSP try to achieve an average CPM that is within the Min/Max range by the time a flight ends, or on a daily basis?​

The DSP will try to achieve an average CPM that is within the Min/Max range on a daily basis.​

Suppose one Tactic has a significantly higher min/max CPM than the Line Item that houses it – what kind of bidding adjustments will the algorithm make to the other Tactics?​

None. Regulus considers each Tactic individually. Best practice - Be mindful of how budgets are allocated across Tactics when overriding dCPM settings. ​

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