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Organization Targeting

Organization targeting can be used in many ways. A frequent one is to anti-target the advertiser's own site(s). Use Organizational targeting to target or exclude organizations by name rather than web address (as with Sites Targeting). These can include companies, governmental organizations, and others.


Suppose you are a University trying to increase admission applications. Many visitors to your site are interested in the university, but probably they are already in attendance there, or even if not, the site already features its own Ads. It's not necessary to feature additional Ads as well.

Use Organizations targeting with care.

  • Many organizations do not operate their own Internet servers, but outsource this function to an IP provider. As a consequence, the IP address the Zeta bidding technology sees from the Ad exchange may not make it possible to identify the actual organization.

  • Another consequence is that organizations targeting tends to show very few users in The Forecaster.

  • In addition, targeting users by their organizations tends to only catch them during their working hours and not, say, when they're at home in the evening catching up on the news, thus working against the technology's ability to Score the Moment.

1. Within the Targeting tab of the Campaign Builder, the Targeting grid appears. Click on the (plus) sign against each row or object to add in its targeting rules.

2. Scroll down and select Organizations.

3. Begin typing the name of an Organization in the search box to show available results. Choose whether to Include or Exclude these Organizations from the campaign. 

4. Select the desired Organization(s) to add them to the column on the right. 

  • Included Organizations will be highlighted in blue, whereas Excluded Organizations will be highlighted in red.

5. Click on Save & Close when complete.

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