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Netspeed Targeting

Netspeed targeting enables the inclusion or exclusion of net speeds based on the Ad viewer's network speed and connection type.

1. Within the Targeting tab of the Campaign Builder, the Targeting grid appears. Click on the (plus) sign against each row or object to add in its targeting rules.

2. Scroll down and select Netspeed.

3. Select Include if you wish to target users with particular internet speeds. Select Exclude if you wish to prevent users with certain internet speeds from seeing your Ads.

4. Check the box beside the Netspeed Connection type(s) you wish to target to add it to the Selected column on the right. 

  • Included items will be highlighted in blue, whereas Excluded items will be highlighted in red.

5. Click on Save & Close when complete.

Network Types

Netspeed Option



Any high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than traditional dial-up access.


Via cable television Internet Service Provider (ISP)


Access to an ISP via attached modem, conventional telephone line public and switched telephone network (PTSN)


ISP access via Digital Subscriber (wired telephone service) Line


Access via radio frequency carrier to a mobile device


Access via a fiber-optic network line with transmission speeds of up to 622.08 Mbit/s (payload: 601.344 Mbit/s; overhead: 20.736 Mbit/s)


Access via a fiber-optic network line with a transmission data rate of up to 155.52 Mbit/s (payload: 148.608 Mbit/s; overhead: 6.912 Mbit/s, including path overhead)


Access via Internet satellite typically provided through geostationary satellites that can offer data speeds up to 50 Mbps


Transmission System 1, a system devised for transmission of multiplexed telephone calls, able to reach speeds up to 1.544 Mbps


Transmission System 3, a system devised for transmission of multiplexed telephone calls, able to reach speeds up to 44.736 Mbps


Access via Wi-Fi local network or terrestrial microwave network


ISP access via Digital Subscriber (wired telephone service) Line, including ADSL, SDSL and HDSL

Depending on the Ad Exchange, there may be cases where the network speed is not presented to the DSP AI at bidding time. In these cases, if any Netspeed targeting is active, the AI does not bid.

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