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Grid View

Here are the multiple ways available for you to change the grid view:

Sorting by a Column

Click on the column header to filter a column or adjust its display.

Filtering by a Column

Click on the arrow below the column header to open that column's filtering menu.

  • The filtering options depend on whether the column shows a string or a numerical value.

Adjusting Column Display

Hover over a column header to show the column options menu.



Pin Column

Pin the column to the left or right.

Autosize This Column/Autosize All Columns

Automatically adjust column width.

Expand/Collapse All

Expand/Collapse all line items and tactics.

Adjusting Campaign-Level Settings

  • Click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the Campaign Grid to open the Campaign Builder and manage all campaign settings.

  • Click on the Actions button to view Campaign Notes, Change History, Tactic Diagnoser, Forecaster, Export As CSV, Show/Hide Campaign Metrics, or Show Chart.

  • If the campaign is currently active, click on Pause Settings to Pause immediately or Schedule a Pause.

If the campaign is not active, you will need to activate the campaign from within the Campaign Builder.

Schedule a Pause

Within the Pause Settings panel that slides out from the right-hand side, choose the Schedule a Pause option to specify the date and time when the campaign should pause.

  • To specify a resume date/time, select On in the Resume line item dropdown and select the appropriate date and time. To keep the campaign paused indefinitely, select Never in the same droplist.

  • Click +Add scheduled pause to implement multiple Pause and Resume dates.

  • If you've scheduled a pause and the campaign is currently active, a timer icon will appear alongside the campaign's Active status. If you mouse over the status, the scheduled pause date/time (as well as the resume date/time if applicable) will be displayed in a tooltip.

  • If a scheduled pause is currently in progress, a timer icon will appear alongside the campaign's Paused status. If you mouse over the status, the scheduled resume date/time (if applicable) will be displayed in a tooltip.

  • To delete a scheduled pause, click on the Remove all scheduled button at the top-right of the panel. If you delete a scheduled pause that is in progress, the campaign will immediately become active.

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