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Feature Guide: DSP CTV

Creative Specs and Guidelines

File Type


Raw Video File (MP4)

  • 720p Resolution 1280x720

  • 1080p Resolution 1920x1080

  • 30 FPS

  • Video Duration: 15-30 Seconds

Longer durations are subject to approval.

  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9

  • Minimum Bid Rate: 3500 kbps

  • Minimum Bid Rate (Audio): 180 kbps

VAST 2.0

  • Only the following Media File types within the VAST XML are accepted: MOV, MP4, FLV.

  • VAST tags must include media files within their immediate XML before they can start bidding. If the media files do not appear in the immediate XML and only appear in the nested VAST's XML, this will cause our system to not pick up the media files.

  • Acceptable assets could include a Raw Video File and a Vast URL will be created. However, the exported tag cannot be wrapped in Brand Safety and a Viewability goal cannot be applied.

  • No VPAID as Viewability is not supported for CTV inventory.

Best Practices



dCPM Pricing Type

  • If using PMP Deals - Set the min CPM above the floor price of the cheapest deal; and set the max CPM above the floor price of the most expensive deal.

Average market-clearing prices are between $15-20 CPM. We recommend users set a dCPM range between $12-25.

Campaign Objectives, Goals, and Constraints

  • Video Completion is the only valid Objective for CTV campaigns or line items.

  • Video Completion is the only valid Goal for CTV campaigns or line items.

Frequency Caps

  • It is recommended to apply frequency caps for CTV at the device level as opposed to the household level.

Brand Safety

Do not apply any of the following to CTV campaigns or line items:

  • Zeta does not support Brand Safety restrictions on CTV inventory.

  • Viewability measurement and optimization is not supported on CTV inventory.

  • Non-applicable targeting such as site targeting, above-the-fold, etc. is not supported on CTV inventory.

Recommended Tactic Set-up

  • If delivery by tactic is desired, it is best practice to break out the Deal ID’s by tactic.

Daily Budget and Pacing

  • Optimized pacing should be enabled for CTV line items unless you need to control delivery by tactic.


  • Retargeting CTV users on Desktop can be executed by a third-party data-onboarder syndicating the segment via cookie IDs or mobile device identifiers.

Audience Targeting

Audience Size Recommendations:

  • Select DSP Household to enable audience targeting capabilities for your campaign via Audience Targeting.

Campaign Setup

CTV campaigns are set up similarly to PMP campaigns. Platform users should follow the exact workflow steps as noted in the Campaign Builder.

  • In Step 2: Line Items & Tactics, ensure CTV line item pricing is set to dCPM; adhering to the recommended range suggested in Best Practices above.

  • In Step 4: Daily Budgets, ensure line item pacing is set to Optimized.

  • In Step 5: Goals & Tracking, it is best practice to set the Client/Campaign Objectives to 90% Video Completion Rate using the Highest Priority.

  • In Step 6: Targeting, select CTV as the Delivery Channel or you can target with CTV Deals.

    • Optional: Targeting by Deal IDs: Apply Targeting by clicking the (plus) icon and selecting Inventory.

      • Click on Private Exchanges.

      • Reference the list of Deal IDs provided by Supply.

      • Search Deal IDs on this screen and apply one Deal ID per tactic.

DO NOT auto-target Evergreen Deals.

CTV Targeting

View all supported and unsupported targeting restrictions for CTV campaigns:


Not Supported


Traffic Quality

IP List


Inventory (Private Exchanges)





URL Keyword



Delivery Channels (CTV)


Day & Time



Exchange Categories

Content Categories


Brand Safety



OS & OS Version


CTV Content Object

The CTV Content Object targeting feature allows targeting specific inventory with data in the content object of the bid request with the following parameters:

Target Type



  • 24 selectable options

  • Limited inventory matches (less than 60% coverage)


  • Based on language configured for the TV

  • Predominantly English


  • Either 'live' TV airing through OTT/CTV or ‘on-demand’ content

  • Large coverage on inventory (over 80%)

Content Length

  • Three options: ‘Less Than 30’, ‘Thirty Min Plus’, 'One Hr Plus’

  • Based on length of CTV content (e.g. Typical 1 hour and 30 minute movie would fall under ‘One Hr Plus’)

  • If above options are applied this will only filter CTV inventory requests

  • This feature is currently not supported in Forecaster


Utilize the Report Builder or Site & App Report in the DSP to analyze data for all CTV campaigns.

  • Be sure to apply the Video (Metric Set) to view relevant data.

  • The Delivery Channel dimension does not support CTV at this time. You will likely see “Mobile App” or “Other”. However please be assured at the time of the bid, the DSP is able to detect and respond to CTV or OTT inventory accordingly.

For Support Related Issues, please file a request to Programmatic Support via the Service Desk.

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