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Feature Guide: DSP API

The DSP API (also known as External API or Reporting API) is a tool through which users can dynamically pull Zeta DSP data and have it feed into an external platform.

The DSP API allows Zeta clients to easily view their DSP data alongside similar advertiser and campaign data from other DSPs that they may be using.


Zeta DSP Clients can request an API token using this form and following this outlined process.



On September 18th, 2020 Zeta completed an API integration with TapClicks. Mutual clients can take advantage of this reporting integration in order to send their Zeta DSP campaign data to TapClicks through a pre-built API integration between our platforms. Our clients are able to compare, report, and analyze the performance on all of their paid and organic platforms to understand the value that each platform provides to our client's bottom line.

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