DSP Forecaster

Recent times have witnessed businesses making grave strategic errors because of inaccurate industrywide forecasts in contexts ranging from market research or investments to competitive intelligence. As technologies emerge and industries evolve, gauging the present state of the market and understanding where the market is heading, has become paramount. In light of the same, Zeta DSP Forecaster helps you comfortably deliver your media on the Zeta DSP.
Use the Forecaster to analyze estimates of available inventory. The DSP offers several filters, including geography, sites, and channels. Study your inventory by answering questions like the following:
What is your goal? Is it based on delivery, price per impression, or a total budget you wish to spend over a given time?
How many biddable requests do we receive per Channel, how much of it are we currently buying, and how much does it cost?
How many biddable requests do we see in Nebraska and how many unique users underlie those requests?
How many biddable video requests do we receive from each exchange and how much does the traffic cost for each?
No forecasting tool is perfect. The Forecaster attempts to predict availability and cost; actual campaigns will vary. A sensible approach is to start small, test, and learn what works for your campaigns first. We welcome any and all feedback.
Before creating any campaigns, it is strongly recommended the planned targeting settings be inputted into the Forecaster to ensure there is enough inventory (Projected Avails) to effectively deliver against.
To view forecasts for a selected set of targeting settings, reference the values listed in the Scorecard labeled Total Daily Avails. These are the average daily projected values for your set of selected targeting settings.
To view forecasts for both a selected set of targeting settings and an objective goal and duration, reference the values in the Goals Chart.
You will need to enter a Goal Type and Value Type to activate the Goals Chart.
Duration is set by default to 30 days. Use the date picker to select your desired flight dates and update the duration.
Unlike some values in the Scorecard, the values in the Goals Chart are all based on wins. This implies that the impressions are projected impressions won, the cost is cost on projected wins, and the uniques are uniques on wins.
The outputs for the Scorecard and Goals Chart cannot be compared directly. They are not the same data sets.
The avails pool generated by the Forecaster will fluctuate from day-to-day as the Forecaster is always processing new data. As such, it is recommended to check the Forecaster both when initially planning the campaign and the day before campaign launch to make sure the avails pool hasn't dropped considerably in the interim.
DMA Codes: Download this Excel file to see all DMA Codes supported in The Forecaster.
Language Codes: Download this Excel file to see all Language Codes supported in The Forecaster.