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Delivery Channel Targeting

Delivery Channel targeting enables the inclusion or exclusion of particular delivery channels (i.e., Desktop, Mobile Applications, and Mobile Web). 

1. Within the Targeting tab of the Campaign Builder, the Targeting grid appears. Click on the (plus) sign against each row or object to add in its targeting rules.

2. Select Delivery Channels.

3. Click on the menu atop the screen and select Include or Exclude.

Delivery Channels



Mobile App

Ads displayed within mobile applications.

Mobile Web

Ads displayed in a web browser, but on a mobile device (phone or tablet).


Ads displayed in a web browser on a desktop or laptop device.

4. Click on Save & Close when complete.

The Delivery Channel targeting feature allows you to either target or exclude a set of devices, but not to target some and exclude others. In effect, targeting certain channels means the AI is less likely to present Ads on the others. Conversely, excluding a set of channels means that only the other types of channels will see Ads.

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