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Content Categories Targeting

Content Category Targeting allows you to identify and show/avoid ads to audiences based on data collected from Peer39, Double Verify, and Integral Ad Science proprietary content categories.

You can apply Peer39, DoubleVerify, or Integral Ad Science Content Category targeting instead of Inventory Targeting (Open and Private Exchanges)

Additional Data Costs





NY State Tax as of 4.15.2020 will be added to the CPM

% Noted Below

Peer 39

  • Content Category

  • Custom Category


  • N/A

  • N/A

  • CTV

  • $0.20 CPM

  • $0.25 CPM

  • $1.50 CPM



Only English Language is supported at this time for Double Verify content categories regardless of where the ad is served geographically.

  • Content Category

  • Custom Category

  • N/A

  • N/A

$0.05 CPM


Integral Ad Science

  • Context Control Targeting

  • Context Control Avoidance

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • $0.20 CPM


1. Within the Targeting tab of the Campaign Builder, the Targeting grid appears. Click on the (plus) sign against each row or object to add in its targeting rules.

2. Select Content Categories.

3. Set up Condition 1. Click on Peer39, Double Verify, or Integral Ad Science to view the top-level categories available.

  • Select entire top-level categories: Click on the checkbox to select an entire top-level category.

  • Select sub-categories: Click on the caret next to any Category to view sub-categories.

4. Select AND, OR, or NOT to choose how these categories are applied to the Content Category rule.

Boolean Logic

The Content Categories targeting page is organized by Conditions. Each condition allows you to select multiple Content Categories, and then choose whether to select these using the AND, OR, or NOT Boolean operators.

Includes ALL of the Following (AND)

Choosing AND means that the campaign only targets visitors who have been identified as belonging to all of the specified audiences. Use this with care as it can be very restrictive.

Includes ANY of the Following (OR)

Choosing OR means that the Zeta technology targets an Ad visitor if they are at least in one of the specified groups.

Excludes ALL of the following (NOT)

Choosing NOT excludes a particular audience from targeting. With this approach, you exclude from targeting anyone in the specified audiences, even if they happen to be in other audiences that you are also including.

Content Category Avoidance Segments

  • Avoidance segments are found only within the Content Category taxonomy under Peer39 or Context Control Avoidance taxonomy under Integral Ad Science.

  • Required Setup: For all segments under avoidance, the Boolean logic needs to be set up as NOT condition

5. Optional: If you want to create complex targeting rules, click on + Condition at the top of the screen to add a new condition. Select AND or OR above the Condition 2 box to set how Conditions 1 and 2 operate together.

6. Click on Save & Close when complete.

Usage cost between Vendor Segments:

  • Cost is inclusive if user selects multiple segments from the same taxonomy.

  • Cost is additive if user selects multiple segments between different taxonomies.

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