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Viewing & Auditing Pixels

In order to view all pixels for a single advertiser or campaign,

1. From the menu on the left, choose the Account and Advertiser from the respective dropdowns.

2. Navigate to Data Collection > Pixels.

The DSP will show all the available pixels for the advertiser, along with the fields described below:




Enter a name for the Pixel. Pixel names typically include the account (company) name, campaign name, and pixel type, separated by underscores. It's also useful to include the creation date. Later on, when someone is checking a Pixel deployed on a page it may help them to verify that what's installed is current.

For example: Dell Tablet Tracking Pixel March 2019


Enter a Description. This is optional but may be very useful later when trying to recall its function.

Tag Map Code

The DMP sets a Pixel's Tag Code, its unique identifier, By default, but if you prefer something easier to remember, you may choose an identifier yourself. The string of text is limited to letters, numbers, hyphens (minus) , and underscores (_).


The location where the pixel is to be deployed. Enter the pixel's landing page, for example,

Redirect URL

The URL the user should be directed at after clicking the pixel.


This indicates if a trigger is active on the pixel.


Amount of revenue earned
When you check this, the platform adds the _rev= parameter to the end of the code. You may then fill in a value or macro after the sign when editing the Pixel's code.

P Code

Unique identifier of the product type sold.

Order ID

Unique identifier of this particular transaction.

Loads: Yesterday

The number of times the pixel was loaded yesterday.

Uniques: Yesterday

Number of unique visitors who clicked the pixel yesterday.

Revenue: Yesterday

Amount of revenue generated from the pixel yesterday.

Loads: Last Week

The number of times the pixel was loaded last week.

Revenue: Last Week

Amount of revenue generated from the pixel last week.

To view pixels assigned to a campaign, open the Goals and Tracking Tab of the Campaign Builder.

You can Analyze Pixels for viewing details on the pixel performance in a chart and grid. If the Pixel Insights Report is showing no (or concerning) data, review the following process:

Troubleshooting Pixels

Pixels may not deliver as expected if:

  • The pixel wasn't placed properly on the site (or in the container tag if one is being used).

  • There is a typo in the pixel implementation.

  • The pixel is on a hard-to-find page of the site.

  • The pixel has not yet been placed on the site.

  • There is a slight delay in populating pixel fire data for any given day. As such, if a pixel was just placed on the client's site(s), we recommend waiting 24 hours before checking the Analyze Pixels report for activity.

Auditing Pixels

1. Install the Ghostery plugin for Chrome.

2. Load the page on which you expect your pixels. Ghostery places a small bubble on the bottom right corner of the page. Click on it to review the trackers on the page.

3. Locate the DSP Pixel, and look for the ID.

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