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Programmatic Knowledge Base


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Hi DSP users!

No matter how clear and well-understandable a platform is, users will have questions, big or small. To browse through the entire helpdesk looking for the right answer can be annoying for a visitor who just wants to check out a quick feature and wants to get the answer to an easy question. In the light of the same, we’ve built up a Programmatic Knowledge Base that you’ve just stumbled upon, for all the good reasons!

This Knowledge Base is a repository of helpful information covering every possible topic and functionality related to the DSP. From product manuals to tutorials, from how-to docs to troubleshooting articles, everything is well-categorized and organized to live in this Knowledge Base, which is built for lasting knowledge and great ideas unlost.

Get started with this central space for everything you need to know about the Zeta Programmatic DSP. Learn about the platform basics, campaign handling, audience targeting, optimization, omnichannel engagement, insights, analytics, and much more.

While striving to be better and providing the most up-to-date information, we want to ensure that we’re not outdated or out of the loop, hence a part of our Knowledge Base is still work-in-progess.

There’s definitely a lot more on the way, and you can be the first one to view it all if you keep visiting the Programmatic Knowledge Base!

Have Questions? Don’t worry, we’re always here!


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