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Zeta Hub Support Ticket Submission

This article will guide you through the process of submitting or filing support tickets within the Zeta Marketing Platform Support Portal. The Support team is available 24/7 on all days, including holidays. The distributed teams are spread globally over four locations enabling high availability, quick responses, and effective collaboration across client services, engineering, testing, and product teams.

Support highly recommends to file tickets via the ZMP Service Desk Portal. As the service desk allows for organized and detailed submission, the Support team can quickly act on the tickets without the need for any further clarification.

Access the Zeta Portal

1. Navigate to Jira Service Management.

2. On the login screen that appears, click on Sign up for an account. Next, enter your email address in the field and click on Sign Up.

3. Check your inbox for an email from with Finish signing up to Zeta Marketing Platform Support in the subject line. Click on the Sign Up button in the email message.

4. Within the landing page, enter your name and password, and click on Save and Continue.

Once done, you can access the Zeta Support Portal!

Submit Support Requests

1. Navigate to the Zeta Marketing Platform Support - Service project.

2. Select General Support Requests.

Support Request Example Form

Form Fields



A clear, concise, one-line description of the request.

Account ID (optional but preferred)

ZMP platform account ID

Priority (optional but preferred)

Set the appropriate priority (Trivial, Minor, Major, Critical, Blocker) See Priority Matrix Below:

Points to Remember

  • Priorities are subject to change based on: (Support Triage, Client, Level of Impact)

  • Default priority is set to “Major” when creating a ticket and not selected

  • Priority Definitions listed below

Description (optional but required)

  • Provide a full description of what you need assistance with, including as many details as you can.

  • When asking for assistance in doing a task, things to provide include the full details of what you'd like done (ex: locations to target) and the deadline for when it needs to be done by 

  • When asking for help with an issue, things to provide include step-by-step instructions on how to replicate the issue being seen, any error messages that appear in the UI, etc.


For issues, please attach screenshots showing exactly how the UI appears for you when you encounter said issue

After clicking on Create to submit your ticket, check your inbox for a message from confirming the ticket was successfully logged.

Priority Definitions

Jira Equivalent


Highest / Blocker

A problem that severely impacts your use of the platform. The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.

High / Critical

A problem where the platform is functioning but your use in the platform is severely reduced. The situation is causing a high impact to portions of your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.

Major / Medium

A problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the platform. There is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, by using a procedural workaround.

Low / Minor

A general usage question, there is low-to-no impact on your business or the performance or functionality of your system.


A Support request that can be completed quickly, with no importance

View Previously-Logged Tickets

  • When logged into the Zeta Support Portal, you will see a bubble that reads Requests at the top right of the screen. Click on the bubble to open up the following menu:

    • My requests - Click on this to go to a list of still-open tickets that you personally have logged.

    • All requests - Click on this to go to a list of all still-open tickets in for your team regardless of who logged them.

  • After making a selection, you'll be taken to a screen where you can see the ticket list based on which option you clicked on.

  • You can change the ticket list by manipulating the three dropdowns at the top of the screen

Dropdown 1: Open vs Closed

Open requests

Default selection; this will give you all Zeta Support tickets in some state of "Open" and match the selections from the other two dropdowns

Closed requests

This will give you all Zeta Support tickets that have been Resolved / Closed and match the selections from the other two dropdowns

Any status

This will give you all Zeta Support tickets that match the selections from the other two dropdowns regardless of whether they're open or closed

Dropdown 2: Sort by creator and share method

Created by anyone

This will give you all tickets created by anyone on your team, including you, that match the selections from the other two dropdowns

Created by me

This will give you all tickets that were created by you and match the selections from the other two dropdowns

Where I am a participant

This will give you all tickets that were specifically shared with you by a teammate and match the selections from the other two dropdowns


This will give you all the tickets that were shared with the D&B team regardless of who logged them and match the selections from the other two dropdowns

  • Any tickets you logged that were made Private will be EXCLUDED from this view

Dropdown 3: Sort by ticket type

This dropdown will populate with the different request types you and your team end up using

The expectation is for this dropdown to only ever include "RevUp Support" for the D&B team

Search for requests

Use this field to search for any ticket you may want to view

This is useful in cases where you can remember a phrase or key word from a particular case, but can't remember the ticket's subject line

Best Practices

  • Tickets are a requirement for investigation and as a prerequisite for Product/Engineering involvement

  • Account/Advertiser ID’s should be provided

  • Exact Steps to replicate should be provided within the details of the ticket

  • Links to specific pages from the platform if applicable

  • Provide screenshots, related files, reports, video when applicable

  • Open a new ticket for follow ups, if original ticket was closed (comments on closed tickets will not be responded to)

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