Skip Message

You may find yourself in a scenario where you want to skip/suppress a message for a person based on some logic in the content itself. This tag allows you to do so.
All message skips caused by this liquid tag will be recorded as a Message Skipped event in the person’s journey with:
reason =
reason_detail =
<user defined message>
Code snippets that can be included on top or within the personalization logic of any message serve as a good example.
Skip if there is no data in the external feed:
Skip if a person received a message within the last 2 days:
The constraint used in the campaign is on user properties, whereas the variable is sent in the event properties.
The Zeta Marketing Platform manages skips at a person level, not a contact level. For example, consider person John Doe who has an email address (contact 1) and mobile phone number 555-345-6789 (contact 2). When the ZMP skips sending a campaign message to John’s email, it will also automatically skip sending him an SMS message, even if the skip criteria weren’t explicitly met for contact 2.