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Resource Groups

Resources with common characteristics can now be saved as a Resource Group. To create a resource group,

1. Navigate to Content > Resources. Click on Create New and select Resource Group.

2. Provide a suitable name for the Resource Group and click on Next.

3. Select a set of filter criteria to preview a sample set of resources.

4. Click on Save Resource Group.

To Note:

  • You can define one global filter per account by navigating to Content > Resources > Create New > Global Filter

  • Global filter once created appears visually tagged as ‘Global Filter’

  • Global filter, if available prior to enabling this feature will appear as one of the Resource Group visually tagged as ‘Global Filter’

  • The system automatically created the following Resource Groups

    • All Resources: This group contains all resources available in the system

    • All <resource_type>: A set of resource groups for each resource types available in the system. e.g. All Products, All Articles etc.

  • Each resource group is automatically assigned a unique ID for reference via API and can be found on the details page as Recs UID.

  • Recs UID is also called as recs_group_uid or group_filters or named_filter.

  • The Recs UID value is autogenerated from the name of the resources group when it is first created. For example, a resource group named as ‘z_test_05142024’ will have the Recs UID: ‘z_test_05142024’. The Recs UID will not change even if the user later changes the name of the Resource Group.

  • Recs UID is unique per account. If a resource group’s Recs UID value already exists in the system, an error Resource Group uid already exists will be displayed in the UI.

  • Zeta Markup Language for Recommendation tag now supports a new filter by name group_filters (Recs UID) where a resource group can be directly specified

{% recommendation products
| count: 3
| group_filters: "out_of_stock_products"
  • Zeta Markup Language for Resources tag now supports a new filter by name group_filters where a resource group can be directly specified.

{% resources products
| count: 3
| group_filters: "out_of_stock_products"
  • When using Resources tag, note that It may take up to 30 minutes for resources to be qualified as part of the resource group.

  • When pagination is enabled, only a limited number of Resources will be displayed in the UI at a time. However, all Resources remain accessible and can be retrieved from the table.

Recommendation APIs

  • Basic Recommendation API supports a new path parameter by name “group_filter” that

curl '
  • Advanced Recommendation API supports a new parameter as part of the section payload called “group_filters”, and can accept multiple resource groups.

  sections: [
		"name": "credit_cards",
		"group_filters": [
		"count": 5

If there are not enough resources to recommend, the API will return an error with status code 422 (There are not enough recommendable resources to satisfy this request)

Resource Group APIs

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