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Recommended Actions

Recommended Actions are directly integrated with Zeta Opportunities which takes the large proprietary Zeta datasets and refines them to highlight specific data and insights that customers can use in omnichannel marketing efforts. Recommended Actions are account-based and thus track what is increasing or decreasing specific to that vertical, week over week, what is typically being tracked in our MarketPulse.

When an action (alert) has been identified, the Recommended Actions button will be displayed on the Opportunities page at the account level:


When you click on it, a slider bar will appear, with recommended action cards selected specifically for you.

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You can then choose to review and take action on these opportunity recommendations by clicking on View Full at the top-right of the panel. The Recommended Actions panel will expand to cover the full screen, revealing the additional action cards that you can take action on:

Other Recommended Actions categories include Channel-Social, Channel-Display, Channel-Email, Channel-Connected-TV, Campaigns, Experiences, & Targeting.

Recommended Actions Cards can have persistent or set expiration periods.

Hovering over a Recommendation card reveals two options:

  • Click on Maybe Later to postpone acting on the card right away. This will archive the action card for the moment.

  • Click on Let’s Do It to take action on the card right away. This will directly navigate you to the page concerned with taking further action on the selected Recommendation card.

Recommended Action Card Categories and Features Table

Below are a few recommendations you may see added to your account over time:

Recommended Category Feature

ZMP Feature(solution)

Use case/Desired Outcome



LAL (Lookalike)

Increase number of prospects and find highest value customers

Target other audience segments that match the characteristics of your highest value customers by generating look-a-like audience segments.


Intelligent Retargeting

Convert more prospects through omnichannel retargeting.

Increase number of prospects and find highest value customers

Increase conversions and reduce CPA by expanding your retargeting strategy beyond just web based identifiers. Use Intelligent Retargeting to reach individuals more comprehensively.


Location Targeting/ Audience Explorer

Focus your engagements with customers close to your B&M locations.

Load your list of physical points of interest in the Audience Explorer "Explore Locations" section to find audiences closets to your stores.



(Dynamic Creative Optimization) /Programmatic Ad

Used to obtain higher conversion rate and improve engagement through ad personalization.

A programmatic term used in reference to personalized web ad experiences for individuals.


Content Recommendations /Personalization thru APIs/In-page website personalization

Get higher conversion / engagement through site content personalization.

Learn your customer's content consumption behaviors and optimize future engagements by using the Zeta Content Recommendation service.


Experience Builder

Orchestrate highly personalized experiences to better drive to specific outcomes for each type of customer.

Develop endless customer engagement workflows to enable multiple omnichannel scenarios specific to individuals as event behavior is observed in real time.



Improve overall visibility through a single view of customer data.

Optimize all your marketing by centralizing your customer data with CDP+. Make sure the data you know about your customer is cleansed and available across all your omnichannel engagements.

Channel - Onsite

WP Overlay/Light Box

Reduce conversion abandonment by personalizing offers at the right moment onsite.

Introduce key offers and messaging in a user's purchase journey onsite with special offers to keep the purchase momentum going. These overlays work with your existing site experiences.

Channel - Email

CRM - Email

Increase brand/product recall by entering your customer's email inbox.

Improve secondary purchases by engaging with customers by email.

Create a transactional record for your customers to confirm a successful event.

Develop a schedule of newsletters/offers to send out to a grouping of your customers.

Channel - Email

Email Acquisition

Acquire new customers through Zeta's opted in email audiences.

Greatly increase your email engagement reach using Zeta's email acquisition product.

Channel - Digital Out of Home

DOOH (Digital Out of Home)

Increase awareness and traffic to physical locations.

Take your online digital messaging into the physical environments through a large network of digital signage exactly where your customers commute.


Social Custom Audiences Uploads

Increase conversions by targeting your customers on social networks where they spend a lot of their time.

Audience Segments & Exporting Out to FB

Target your customers on Facebook by exporting your audiences directly. Simply click on export next to the desired segment and select Facebook.

Channel- Connected TV

Connected TV

Drive brand awareness and increase conversions on a second screen through Connected TV engagements.

Target your customers via connected TV devices and programming to have them engage with your brand in the moment.

Channel - Display


Increase relevant traffic to your digital site through smart display engagements on the open web.

Make sure to reach out to your customers while they are researching products on the web. Use Zeta's Display platform to find these customers optimally.

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