
Sender Email Addresses
From the Settings tab, the Messaging option can help you configure the Sender Email addresses comprising of the From Names and From Addresses.

Click on Add Sender Email for new additions, and enter its Display Name and Email Address.

In order to make a newly added Sender Email available in Campaigns, the Sender Email must be confirmed. The confirmation is only required for a new From Address. If the From Address remains the same and only a new From Name is required, no confirmation will be required. Confirmation status can be viewed in the Status column.
Please reach out to Support in order to get a new sender address confirmed.
Unsubscribe Settings
You can configure a custom page that users will be redirected to after they successfully unsubscribe. If no URL is set here, the default page will be used.

Message Frequency
Message frequency can be set on a global level by switching the toggle on.

This allows you to set rules for the maximum number of communications that can reach customers in a specified number of days.
Transactional messages will ignore these settings.
The touch frequency cap is always resolved at the user level. Every time a user becomes the target for a campaign, they will be evaluated in the following order for frequency cap
Campaign -> Segment -> Account
Frequency cap can be set at any or all of these levels.
If the user fails the frequency cap check set for the campaign, the message is skipped. If not, the frequency cap check is done for all segments that the user belongs to, if failed, the message is skipped.
If the frequency cap set at the Account level is checked, and if that fails, the message is skipped.
If all of the segments pass, the message is sent.
Sender Domains
In order to set message frequency for a sender domain,
1. Navigate to Campaigns > Sender Domains. Within the action menu against the desired domain, select Edit.

2. As the Edit Message Frequency column pops open on the right, make your preferred changes.

Number of messages can range from 0 to 100.
Number of days can range from 0 to 7.
If fields are empty, no frequency capping will be applied at the domain level
3. Click on Add.
Domain-level frequency capping is enforced in addition to all other types of frequency capping. In a campaign where frequency capping is set at the segment level, campaign level, domain level, and account level, each user in the campaign will be evaluated against all four frequency caps and must pass each cap in order to receive the campaign.
External Data Source
External data sources can be used to populate external JSON or HTML within the content. To add an external data source, click on Add External Source and follow the prompt.

To use this data within the content, use the ZML for loop tag to loop through the entries in the external feed. For example,
{% for entry in ext_breaking.entries | limit: 5 %}
{% endfor %}
You now have the option to check a Skip Message on Invalid response in order to control whether a message should be skipped or not if the response from the feed is invalid.

Global Suppressions
Global suppressions can be used to suppress members of your audience from all communications, including transactional messaging.

Segment / List Based Suppression
If your global suppression is organized into a segment or list, you can include it in the UI by typing the name of the list/segment and selecting it from the drop-down menu.
Email Based Suppression
Email-based suppressions are useful to exclude account types of email addresses such as postmasters, admins, info@, etc. These are typically used to enact best practices for the account.