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Businesses that derive value from data have always had an edge over the competition and continue to do so even today. In order to leverage the value of data and be able to offer connected customer experiences, companies have started embracing digital transformation by adopting new technologies and opening doors to new integrations and acquisitions. The kind of integrations that enable users to connect faster and streamline transactions with their customers, thus improving the ease of doing business, is the kind that you need! To that end, the Zeta Marketing Platform has partnered with AIrship to send across push notifications that matter!

To create and adapt powerful app experiences that accelerate customer understanding for next-level personalization to capture more business value for everyone involved, Zeta has partnered with Airship, a leader in the space of push notifications with proven scale and a significant integration footprint. With this, we are leapfrogging our mobile app strategy and in no time, expanding to deliver data-driven personalized experiences to you all. Owing to this integration with Airship, you now have a multitude of options for push notification solutions to choose from:

  • Deliver and report on mobile push messages

  • Send push notifications to Android or iOS through the familiar interface of building Broadcast Campaigns or Experience Builder

  • Retrieve push notification events and track your campaign’s performance through Report Builder

Reach out to Support to enable the Airship integration for your ZMP instance and to start sending push notifications.

Integrating Airship

1. To connect your Airship account to ZMP you’ll first need to generate your transactional and promotional tokens in Airship. In your Airship project, navigate to Settings, then select Tokens.


2. Select Create Token at the top of the page, name your token, and give it the All Access role.

  • Store the “Access Token” in a safe place, and repeat the process to create both a Transactional and Promotional token.

Using the Airship Integration

1. Navigate to Settings using the cogwheel in the upper-right corner and select Integrations from the left-hand bar.

2. Scroll down to Integrations to locate Airship and click on Configure.

  • Here, you will add your tokens and copy your ZMP account-specific Webhook Endpoint URL.

3. Login using your Transactional and Promotional tokens.


4. Once configured, navigate back to the ZMP homepage (by clicking on the Zeta logo on the top-left) and select Campaigns > Broadcast from the menu on the left to configure Push Notifications.

Setting up the Airship Event Stream

1. In your Airship project, navigate to Settings, then select Real-Time Data Streaming and configure a Webhooks integration

  • Paste the Webhook Endpoint URL you copied in the previous step into the endpoint URL field.

2. Under Event Type Configuration, select the events you'd like to stream to ZMP.

The suggested event types to enable are listed below. Additional types should only be enabled if there is a use case for it. Enabling more events than necessary will lead to increased event volume and costs on your account.

Please do not select the Push Bodies event type in this configuration screen. Push Bodies are not events that are identifiable to a user and will not be ingested by ZMP.


Airship Identifier Support

Airship identifiers are noted in blue and ZMP identifiers are noted in green.

  • Anonymous app users are tracked using Airship’s Channel ID. When a new Channel ID is detected by ZMP we create a ZMP User and a BSIN for that user, and we set the Channel ID as a contact.

  • Known users are tracked using Airship’s Named User ID. When a Named User ID is detected by ZMP, we use the Channel ID to look up the ZMP user profile and set the User ID to the Airship Named User ID.

  • Note that if a user logs out of your app, Airship may stop including the Named User ID in their event stream. In this case, we will continue to tie events to the ZMP User associated with the Named User ID by leveraging the Channel ID. When a Channel ID is switched to a new Named User ID we remove the Channel ID from the old ZMP User and attach it to the new ZMP User.

  • When sending messages through Airship, we pass all of the Channel IDs we have for each user. This ensures the best possible deliverability through Airship.

  • ZMP also collects and stores mobile advertising IDs (IDFA/AAID) when they are present in the event stream. These are stored in a user property called z_maids.

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