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Using Postman & API Calls


You can use Postman and API to test an email triggered from an event (e.g., ‘Welcome to the Program’) and have it triggered to the person who signed up, to confirm it is working correctly. To navigate Postman’s UI and make API calls, you’ll first need to download Postman, click on the Get Started free option within Products, and create an account.


  1. Navigate to Workspaces to send a new API request.

  2. Click New > HTTP Request

  3. Navigate to another tab to Identify a User · Zeta Marketing Platform (

  4. Click Track an Event below ZETA Rest API.

  5. Copy the URL below Definition://


  1. Navigate back to Postman.

  2. Change the dropdown 'GET' to POST.

  3. Paste the URL to the right of POST

ZMP Settings

  1. Copy Site ID  ZMP account ID found under Settings> Integrations> Site Id

  2. Update URL

  3. Click Save. Save to Collection (Your library): (Create New) API Test> Save.

  4. Click the Authorization heading.

  5. Change Type to Basic Auth.

  6. Add Username: API

  7. Add Password (found in Settings > copy the Rest API Key)

  8. Paste into the password in Postman.

  9. Click Headers to add the request type (what we are sending) and response type (what we want to see back).

Key > type Accept

Value > application/json

Key > Content-Type

Value >application/json

10. Click the Body header and click the Raw (raw JSON) dial button.

API Guide

  1. Navigate to the API Guide and scroll down to examples. Copy the JSON - brackets and data info within them.

  2. Paste that into the body.

  3. Update the "uid": "enter your email"  

  4. Update the event: "signed_up"

  5. Update the timestamp to current: e.g., "2021-12-03T1:30Z"

  6. Update location to your: "enter city"

  7. Update ring_owner" to "first_name": "enter your first name"

  8. Click Send.

  9. View stats at the bottom.


Navigate to ZMP Experiences> Events to confirm the event populated in ZMP.

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