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We all know how effective data repositories are in housing local data collections and providing access to them through various means. In the same vein, the Zeta Marketing Platform has its own depository of Files within the Data section, that enables you to securely store and share marketing-related files (attribution files, seed files, model files) in ZMP.

Importing a File

1. From the menu on the left, navigate to Data > Files. Click on Import File.

2. Drop the desired file here or click on Browse the file.

Note: The maximum file size allowed is 1GB.

3. Once uploaded, the file will be listed in the Imports page:




Name of the imported file


Type of the file being imported with possible values as - User, Event, Coupon, Resource, Seed, Model, Attribution, Suppression, Feed, Purge, Unsubscribe, Other


Whitelisted formats of the file being imported are TSV, RTF, HTML, PHP, PGP, PDF, MP4, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TXT, JSON, GZIP, GZ, ZIP, XLSX, JSONL, CSV


Source of file with possible values as UI, FTP, SFTP, AWS S3


Tags associated with the file


Date of import 


Status of import. This status should change to 'Pending' as soon as you initiate the import - then to 'In-progress' - The status will finally result in either 'Successful' or 'Failed'.

Rows Processed

Number of rows processed from the source file

At present, there is no predefined option available for this requirement. However, one can explore the possibility of a custom solution by collaborating with the account team and engaging with CustEng/Solutions.

  • They can assess the feasibility of implementing a custom solution, potentially leveraging ETL processes.

  • Alternatively, if time is not a constraint, one can submit an Enhancement Request to propose this functionality for future updates.

  • Additionally, one can suggest to the client that they update their script to address the specific need.

If you want the subscribers to be uploaded in ZMP for global suppression, it should be uploaded as user_import.

Data Flow File Load Optimization

  • Data flows don’t support transforming files that are over 10M rows in size (due to memory limitations).

  • Files that take more than 6 hours to process are automatically retried.

    • this can lead to files being delivered multiple times

    • a workaround is to add the Maxium Retry Count node to the flow and set it to 0

      • this will prevent retries

  • Option of splitting the file prior to dropping it into the data flow.

    • most likely will create 2 feeds: one to split the files and one to transform them.

  • When utilizing the Multi-file Snowflake Export node, data exports can be up to 5GB in a single operation. Disabling the Export to Single File option enables the process to distribute the data across multiple files instead of consolidating it into one.

Exporting a File

Any file hosted in the platform can be exported to a customer’s designated FTP, AWS S3 locations, or can be delivered via email as a link to a location hosted at Zeta.


Files can be shared via email using an auto-generated link to Zeta's internal hosted location.

1. Locate the row with the file you want to export. Click on the three dots on the right > Export.

2. Provide a list of email addresses in the Email Recipient field and click on Export File.


1. Locate the row with the file you want to export. Click on the three dots on the right > Export.

2. Select FTP/SFTP from the Export via dropdown.


  • Select from a list of pre-defined external FTP locations.

  • or Click on Add & manage locations to enter a new FTP location.

3. Click on Export File.

To ensure the smooth export of reports to the designated FTP location, it is advisable to use concise naming conventions. Lengthy naming conventions can potentially lead to difficulties during the export process. By keeping the naming convention short and concise, you can minimize any potential issues and facilitate seamless report exports.

Amazon S3

1. Locate the row with the file you want to export. Click on the three dots on the right > Export.

2. Select Amazon S3 from the Export via dropdown.


  • Select from a list of pre-defined external S3 buckets.

  • or Click on Add & manage locations to enter a new S3 bucket.

3. Click on Export File.

Searching for/Filtering Files

You can search for imports/exports in the following ways:

1. For a quick search for imports, you can click on the magnifying glass and add text from the filename you are looking for.

2. For a more focused search, you can click on the funnel icon and enter the criteria specific to what you are looking for.

  • The Filter menu will be prompted and you can select from the following:




  • Today

  • This Week

  • This Month

  • This Year

  • A Specific Date

  • Within a Date Range

Type - CheckBox

  • Seed

  • Attribution

  • Suppressions

  • Other

Status - CheckBox

  • In Progress

  • Successful

  • Failed

  • Pending

  • Completed with Errors

  • Ready to Activate (Programmatic Export only)

Format - CheckBox

  • CSV

  • G2

  • TXT


  • DAT

  • PGP

  • ZIP


  • Enter in the Tags that you added during import

Source - CheckBox

  • S3

  • UI

  • FTP

The /client_inbound_data folder is reserved for processing data, similar to /users, /events, and /campaigns. When a file is uploaded to any of these folders, including /client_inbound_data, it disappears once processed but is saved in Amazon S3.

Please ensure that the event files are placed in the correct directory: non_real_time_event_sources/source.

  • This will ensure that the files are recognized as historical event files and processed correctly, avoiding any error related to invalid raw records.

  • Additionally, the timestamp of the files should be reviewed to ensure they are within the acceptable timeframe, as events older than one year are marked as invalid.

Organizing Files

A best practice for organizing files would be to add tags to the import/export.

1. To add a tag, click on the row of the desired file, and select the Tag icon. Click on + Add Tag.

2. You can later filter for these tags as detailed above.

Checking the Status of Import/Export

Once the files are imported/exported, you can see their status in the imports/exports list.

The following statuses are available:



In Progress

File is in progress of being imported/exported


File was either Imported or Exported successfully


File that was either Imported or Exported has failed


Ready to Activate

File that has been successfully been exported and audience matching has been completed. Currently only supported for Programmatic channel exports.

Completed with Errors

File that was imported or exported completed but there are errors with the file


Since the partner and programmatic connectors support custom export operators, you can click into each log to verify your export operation:

This export’s operation was Add.

For successful exports to Google Ads, you can find the Customer Match match rate in the export details. Google only supports match rates for audiences with more than 100 unique matches.

Google’s current benchmarks for Customer Match match rate are:







Feel free to reach out to Support for additional help.

People Import Correction Process

  • Email correction will remove spaces and special characters will replace commas with periods

  • Email addresses and phone numbers that don’t match the correct pattern will be rejected

  • Send a notification email on file import with import breakdown

Best Practices

Follow a Naming convention for files names this way it is easy to search and filter

Follow a convention for a newer version of a file

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