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FAQs (Forecasting)


“It’s not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” - Eugene Jonesco

With the aim to respond to your needs more quickly and appropriately, we have jotted down the most frequently asked questions about Zeta Forecasting.



How does Forecasting work?

The basics to ZMP and Zeta DSP forecasting are laid out on the Zeta Forecasting page. Take a look there and if you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Zeta Support.

How do I interpret Forecasting results?

What steps should I take to troubleshoot Forecasting issues?

Experience Builder Forecasting Tools



How does forecasting in draft mode work?

Draft forecasts are based on how often the underlying Experience Events have already been triggered.

How does forecasting in active mode work?

Active Forecasts are based on how a given Experience Node is performing after 5+ days.

What happens during those first 5 days?

When the Experience Node has less than five days' worth of events, active forecasts return an error message that says there is not enough data to calculate and that a minimum of 5 days is required along with how many days have actually passed. Once those 5+ days of data points exist we use a form of time series modeling to forecast.

Report Builder Forecasting Tools



What Customer Marketing metrics can I forecast in Report Builder?

The following Customer Marketing metrics can be forecasted in Report Builder:

  1. Click Rate

  2. Conversions

  3. Opens

  4. Sent

You must select at least one of the following dimensions in order to forecast against these metrics:

  1. Campaign ID

  2. Channel Name

What Media Activation (programmatic) metrics can I forecast in Report Builder?

The following Media Activation (programmatic) metrics can be forecasted in Report Builder:

  1. Impressions

  2. Click Rate

  3. Conversion Rate

You must select at least one of the following dimensions in order to forecast against these metrics:

  1. Device

  2. Hour

  3. Delivery Channel

Calendar Forecasting Tools



What channel forecasts are available in Calendar?

The following channel forecasts are available in the Calendar tool:

  1. Email

  2. SMS

  3. Programmatic (Media)

What metrics are available per channel in Calendar?

The following metrics are available per channel in the Calendar tool:


  1. Uniques

  2. Available

  3. Open Rate

  4. Click-to-open-rate

  5. Conversions

  6. Total Revenue

  7. Average Order Total

  8. Total Number of Orders


  1. Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)

  2. Total Sends

Programmatic (Media)

  1. Qualified Bid Requests

  2. Uniques

  3. Conversions

  4. Impressions

  5. Average Bid on Wins (CPM)

  6. Average Media Cost

  7. Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)

  8. Bids Placed

  9. Average Bid (CPM)

  10. Win% on Bids

What does “Within 10% of accuracy” mean in Calendar?

This is a confidence score. Up-to-date information on confidence scores can be found on Zeta Forecasting page.

What is the date range of the forecasts in the Calendar tool?

The forecasted date range in calendar depends on the view you’re in. If you’re looking at the day view, the forecast is for the next 1 day. If you’re looking at the week view, the forecast is for the next 7 days. If you’re looking at the month view, the forecast is for the next 30 days.

Dashboard Forecasting Tools



What channels are available in each forecasting widget?

The following forecast widgets are available in the Dashboard:

  1. Email

  2. SMS

  3. Programmatic (Media)

What forecasted metrics are available for each channel widget?

The following metrics are available per the channel forecast widget in the Dashboard:


  1. Uniques

  2. Available

  3. Open Rate

  4. Click-to-open-rate

  5. Conversions

  6. Total Revenue

  7. Average Order Total

  8. Total Number of Orders


  1. Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)

  2. Total Sends

Programmatic (Media)

  1. Qualified Bid Requests

  2. Uniques

  3. Conversions

  4. Impressions

  5. Average Bid on Wins (CPM)

  6. Average Media Cost

  7. Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)

  8. Bids Placed

  9. Average Bid (CPM)

  10. Win% on Bids

Can I change the date?

Yes, you can change the look-forward date range for each forecast widget to one of the following:

  1. Next 1 day

  2. Next 7 days

  3. Next 30 days

Audience Builder Forecasting Tools



Can I download the results?

Yes, you can download the audience forecasts by clicking on the download icon to the right of the date slider.

Can I change the date range?

Yes, you can change the look-forward date range to one of the following:

  1. Next 7 day

  2. Next 30 days

  3. Next 90 days

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