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Explore Zeta Audience Solutions

The Explore Zeta Audience Solutions helps you determine the unique traits of Zeta’s expansive and industry-leading people-based audiences, providing insight into the real-time interest and intent of more than 228MM consumers in the US.

Zeta's Audience Solutions provides a list of all the available audiences as well as a count of each one and helps you find the best audiences for your campaign from demographic, behavior, transaction, visitation, financial & household, and Business2Person data.


These audiences are curated using both data-at-rest and real-time signals exhibited by consumers within the Zeta Data Cloud. To view the Demographic Data key characteristics, select the desired audience:


These audiences are curated using the online browsing behavior exhibited by consumers within the Zeta Data Cloud. To view the behavioral data key characteristics, navigate to the Behavior tab and select the desired audience, which you can find out also by entering specific text into the search bar.

Learn More

To view additional details about the key characteristics of the selected audience, click on Learn More.

  • The Audience Interests overview shows the categories that the selected audience engages and responds most frequently to.

  • The Entertainment Interests overview shows the entertainment categories that the selected audience engages and responds most frequently to.

  • The Non-Entertainment Interests overview shows the non-entertainment categories that the selected audience engages and responds most frequently to.

  • The Popular Websites overview shows the entertainment and other websites that the selected audience most frequently visits.

  • The Geographic Distribution shows the demographic spread of the selected audience by state and zip code.

With the zip code distribution, you can export a file that shows how all zip codes index against this audience. Zip codes with a score greater than 0 are considered to be over indexing. Any positive number would indicate a higher number of intender audiences on average. Zip codes with a score less than 0 are considered to be under indexing.

  • The Brand Preferences show the retailers that the selected audience spends more on and with a higher frequency. Targeting other shoppers of these retail brands will boost campaign performance.


Shows the audiences curated using the transactional behavior exhibited by consumers and the key characteristics of the selected audience.


Shows the audiences curated using visits to physical brand locations by consumers within the Zeta Data Cloud and their key characteristics.

Financial & Household

Shows the audiences curated using the financial and household information of consumers within the Zeta Data Cloud and their key characteristics.


Shows the audiences curated using the professional information of people within the Zeta Data Cloud and their key characteristics.


Shows the audiences curated using CPG purchases by consumers within the Zeta Data Cloud.

  • Showcases CPG categories and subcategories we have access to at an additional cost​.

  • The actual data we would receive will be on a more granular basis​.

Please read Ibotta Overview, SLAs and Valid Use Cases for use cases supported and pricing.

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