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Event Data Operators

User properties have several data types and operators associated with them to enable powerful flexibility when filtering your audience. These data types and operators are broken down below.

String (text)





Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property exactly matches the filter value.

Property Value: Zeta Global

Filter Value: Zeta Global

Result: true

does not equal

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property does not match the filter value.

Property Value: Zeta Global

Filter Value: Zeta

Result: true


Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property partially matches the filter value anywhere within the value of the input property.

Property Value: Marketing Automation

Filter Value: Automation

Result: true

does not contain

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property does not match the filter value anywhere within the value of the input property.

Property Value: Platform

Filter Value: slow

Result: true

starts with

Evaluates to true when the beginning value of the chosen property matches the filter value starting with the first letter of the chosen property value.

Property Value:

Filter Value: info@

Result: true 

ends with

Evaluates to true when the ending value of the chosen property matches the filter value ending with the last letter of the chosen property value.

Property Value:

Filter Value:

Result: true 

is one of

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property exactly matches at least one of the provided comma separated filter values

Property Value: NY

Filter Values: FL, NC, TN, NY, CA

Result: true

is any of/ contains any of

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property is any of the keywords provided within the string

Property Value: NY, FL, NC

Filter Values: FL, NC, TN, NY, CA / NY, KY, CT, GA

Result: true

is not any of

Evaluates to false when the value of the chosen property is any of the keywords provided within the string

Property Value: NY, FL, NC

Filter Values: TN, CA

Result: true

value exists

Evaluates to true when the chosen property exists in the user profile.

value does not exist

Evaluates to true when the chosen property doesn't exist in the user profile.




is less than

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property is less than the filter value.

is less than equal to

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property is less than or equal to the filter value.


Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property equals the filter value.

does not equal

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property does not equal the filter value.

is greater than

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property is greater than the filter value.

is greater than equal to

Evaluates to true when the value of the chosen property is greater than or equal to the filter value.

value exists

Evaluates to true when the chosen property exists in the user profile.

value does not exist

Evaluates to true when the chosen property doesn't exist in the user profile.




is before

Evaluates to true when the date in the chosen property is before the filter date.

is after

Evaluates to true when the date in the chosen property is after the filter date.

is between

Evaluates to true when the date in the chosen property is between the filter dates.

is today

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, trimmed for time, matches with the current date in the account's timezone.

is tomorrow 

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, trimmed for time, matches with the day immediately following the current date in the account's timezone.

is this week 

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, identified for Day (based on account timezone), matches with any of the 'days of the current week'. 'Days of the current week' is derived from the current date, account's timezone and account's 'first day of the week'.

is this month 

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, identified for date (based on account timezone), matches with any of the 'dates of the current month'. 'Dates of the current month' is derived from the current date and account's timezone.

is next week 

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, identified for Day (based on account timezone), matches with any of the 'days of the next week'. 'Days of the next week' is derived from the current date, account's timezone and account's 'first day of the week'.

is next month

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, identified for date (based on account timezone), matches with any of the 'dates of the next month'. 'Dates of the next month' is derived from the current date and account's timezone.

was yesterday 

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, trimmed for time, matches with the day immediately preceding the current date in the account's timezone.

was last week 

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, identified for Day (based on account timezone), matches with any of the 'days of the last week'. 'Days of the last week' is derived from the current date, account's timezone and account's 'first day of the week'.

was last month 

(relative to the account time zone)

Evaluates to true when the input value of the property, identified for date (based on account timezone), matches with any of the 'dates of the last month'. 'Dates of the last month' is derived from the current date and account's timezone.

within last (days/hours)

Evaluates to true when the date in the chosen property is within the last filter value days or hours.

within next (days/hours)

Evaluates to true when the date in the chosen property is within the next filter value days or hours.

not within last

Evaluates to true when the date in the chosen property is not within the last filter value days or hours.

not within next

Evaluates to true when the date in the chosen property is not within the next filter value days or hours.

value exists

Evaluates to true when the chosen property exists in the user profile.

value does not exist

Evaluates to true when the chosen property doesn't exist in the user profile.


This is a structured JSON object which can contain any of the above property types.


This is a structured JSON array containing properties and objects noted above.

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