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Designated Market Area Pulse (DMAPulse) shows real-time shopping and store visitation trends across competing brands by geography and provides actionable insight into your brand’s geographies that are currently underinvested and overinvested due to emerging growth and risk dynamics.

DMAPulse helps marketers identify incremental revenue opportunities for your brand by predicting growth and at-risk markets. Using signals from Zeta’s Data Cloud, DMAPulse provides a 90-day prediction window allowing you to adjust your marketing strategies and access incremental revenue in DMAs.

From the Opportunities page, navigate to the DMAPulse tab under Customer insights.


Click on the (info) icon at the top-right corner of the DMAPulse page to understand its entire modeling.

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Growth Markets

Growth Markets indicate underinvested geographies based on Zeta consumer data, per capita demographics, and your current store locations. Growth strategies include opening/re-opening locations and increasing digital and out-of-home spend.

  • Select a ZIP Code on the left panel to explore stores up to a 30-mile radius. Drag to the desired radius and click on Apply.

  • Click on Active Growth Audience to activate the chosen growth market audience via the Audience Explorer.

At-Risk Markets

At-Risk Markets indicate overinvested geographies based on Zeta consumer data, per capita demographics, and your current store locations. At-risk strategies include focusing on reactivating consumers or closing/divesting store locations.

  • Select a ZIP Code on the left panel to explore stores up to a 30-mile radius. Drag to the desired radius and click on Apply.

  • Click on Active At-Risk Audience to activate the chosen at-risk market audience via the Audience Explorer.

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