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Clean Room


2nd-Party Data Cleanrooms are increasingly being used by marketers as a privacy-centric option to help replace the functionality gaps left by the reduced effectiveness of 3rd-party cookies. You can benefit in many ways from an integrated cleanroom environment - use cases include inclusions and exclusions in campaigns, analysis, enrichment, attribution, and even activation. You can also boost the effectiveness of your campaigns with shared audiences from our privacy-preserving cleanroom environment.

For example, if you want to distribute a list of users who have been looking at trail-running content to its global affiliates for targeting, but don’t want to expose your data or create and manage hundreds of tiny segments, you can use the Zeta Cleanroom to safely share - without violating the terms of service. You can then match and send to only those users who are already known to you, creating amazing customer experiences and driving results in the process.

Event Sharing

Reach out to Support in order to get the Zeta Clean Room enabled for your instance.

Among the many other capabilities, ZMP’s cleanroom allows events to be shared for segmentation, within an enterprise only. You can share events using the cleanroom only when:

  • Both the sending and receiving accounts are under the same parent (except by manual exception implemented by product/engineering)

  • Associated contact_id is known to both the sender and receiver

Sharing Controls

  • The Zeta Clean Room is built to be a safe place to share data. Your data never moves, is not viewable to anyone outside of your organization, and never leaves the Zeta ecosystem.

  • Date Controls

    • As a sender, you decide exactly what data your recipients can receive and how long they are allowed to use it for.

    • When your share expires (or is deactivated manually) access is immediately removed from recipient accounts.

      • Recipients will receive a notification that the share has become inactive

      • Audiences that have been created in recipient accounts (and the campaigns/experiences that use those audiences) will be archived/paused after 7 days

  • Access Controls

    • Recipients cannot see any of your data in the ZMP UI - only event metadata is viewable in the Audience Explorer

    • Clean Room data cannot be exported through Data Flows or any other means

    • Audiences that are created by using your data are marked as Clean Room Audiences, and are subject to special controls:

      • Recipients cannot create lists from Clean Room Audiences

      • Clean Room Audiences cannot be exported, except to the Zeta DSP

      • Tracked segments are not allowed

      • Recipients cannot use Clean Room Audience membership to create non-Clean Room Audiences

Sharing Configuration

Event selection

  • The events list contains all of the events in your account

  • If this list is long or contains lots of similar events, you can get more event details on the Full Screen View, including the last time the event was seen, and a sample event payload

Account selection

  • This list contains all of the sites under the same parent account

  • If needed, external sites can be added to this list manually via an engineering ticket

Date settings

  • (Required) First Event Date - this is a filter that looks at the timestamp of each event. Only events that occur after this date will be shared.

    • Valid inputs

      • Must be within 6 months of the creation of the clean room

      • Must be before the Last Event and Expiration dates (if set)

  • (Optional) Last Event Date - this is a filter that looks at the timestamp of each event. Only events that occur before this date will be shared.

    • Valid inputs

      • Must be after the First Event Date

      • Must be before or equal to the Expiration Date (if set)

(Optional) Expiration Date

  • This is the date on which the clean room share will be removed from the recipient account. See the Deactivating / Deleting / Expiration section of this document for more details on that process

    • Valid inputs

      • Must be after the First and Last Event Dates (where set)

      • Must be in the future

Activation & Deactivation


  • Share configuration is auto-saved in draft mode and any setting can be edited up until it is activated


  • Activation is an asynchronous process that can take up to a minute

  • When you activate your share it will become available to the recipients you have selected immediately

  • Once a share is activated it cannot be edited. If you need to edit your share, you can delete the active one, make your changes, activate it, and then manually deactivate the old one

Deactivating / Deleting / Expiration

  • Shares can be manually deactivated by the sender at any time, or will automatically expire if an expiration date is set

  • After a share is deactivated/expires it will enter a status of deactivation pending / expiration pending for 7 days. During this time:

    • Events are immediately removed from the recipient’s Audience Explorer, so no new audiences can be created

    • Senders and Recipients will receive emails notifying them of the status change

  • At the end of the 7 days, the share enters a status of deactivated/expired. At this time:

    • Any audiences using data that is no longer available via any other share will be archived and any campaigns/experiences using those audiences will be paused

    • Senders and Recipients will receive emails notifying them of the status change


  • 30 days after deactivation/expiration shares may be archived by the sender only

Share Usage (for Recipients)

Intersectional clean room data is surfaced into the Audience Explorer under the Zeta Clean Room source.

  • The names of events that are shared with you are deduplicated in this list, so if you receive the send event from multiple senders, you will only see it once in this list.

    • If you would like to use the send event from only one account, you can use a property filter to specify the site_id of the account you would like to utilize

  • Segments that use Clean Room data are saved as a specific segment type: Clean Room Segment

    • Note that tracked segments are not supported when utilizing clean room data

    • export restrictions

  • Deactivated/Expired shares

    • After a share is deactivated/expires it will enter a status of deactivation pending / expiration pending for 7 days. During this time:

      • Events are immediately removed from Audience Explorer, so no new audiences can be created

      • You will receive an email notifying you of the status change and any audiences/campaigns that utilize data contained in this clean room share. Note that your audiences/campaigns will not be archived yet.

    • At the end of the 7 days, the share enters a status of deactivated/expired. At this time:

      • Any audiences using data that is no longer available via any other share will be archived and any campaigns/experiences using those audiences will be paused.

      • You will receive an email notifying you of the status change


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