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BI Report Builder

The Report Builder is a free-form tabular report builder without defaults. Output reports should generally be saved and/or scheduled for easy re-use but can be used for one-off ad hoc reporting.

It is a guided ad-hoc report that allows users to create and schedule reports from scratch.  Build your own report. Here, you can filter and slice your reporting by any data points available.  

Prompts vs. In-Report Filters

The prompt of the report builder is significantly more robust than that of the other standard reports. To Re-prompt a report, click on the paper icon (with a question mark on it) and select File > Reprompt.

Prompt Option



There are the dimensions that can be selected for slicing the report. A list of available dimensions for the Report Builder can be found below.


These are the metrics that can be selected for the report. A list of available metrics for the Report Builder can be found below.

Sent Date

Filtering based on the day/time that a campaign was sent rather than when the response (open/click/conversion/etc) from the subscriber was logged.

Sent Time Zone

This provides the ability to adjust the time zone of the sent date/time.

Event Date

Filters based on the day/time of when the response (open/click/conversion/etc) from the subscriber was logged.

Event Time Zone

This provides the ability to adjust the time zone of the event date/time.

Campaign Type

Marketers can choose between Broadcast and Trigger type campaigns.


It allows a user to search and pre-select some set of campaigns to include in the report.

Campaign Tag

These can be used to filter down campaigns by any existing campaign categorization tags.


Exclusions can be made after the report is run for the first time. These exclusions can also be saved as part of any report template or scheduled report. To add excludes:

1. In the Prompt, ensure the dimension is added as a Row.

2. Right-click the dimension header in the report and select Filter On.

3. Click on Qualify to add specific rules.

4. Leave DESC (description) selected.

5. Select a Negative Operator:

  • Does Not Equal - Requires the full campaign name.

  • Does Not Begin With

  • Does Not End With

  • Does Not Contain

  • Not In - Allows for multiple campaigns to be listed delimited by a semi-colon ( ; )

6. Enter your value(s).

7. Click on Apply.

Your selection is case sensitive.

Exclude Multiple Campaign Tags

Due to the comma-separated campaign tags, the Not In operator does not work as expected. Instead, you must use multiple Does Not Contain conditions.

1. In the Prompt, ensure the dimension is added as a Row.

2. Right-click the dimension header in the report and select Filter On.

3. Click on Qualify to add specific rules.

4. Leave DESC (description) selected.

5. Select Does Not Contain.

6. Enter your value(s).

7. Click on Apply.

8. Click on Add Condition.

9. Repeat steps 1-7.

Your selection is case sensitive.

Saving a Report

When closing a report, you will be prompted to save a variant of the report.  Reports can be saved in the Shared Folder to allow for easy re-use of filters and slicing for various needs. You can create multiple saves off of one report for varying reporting use cases.

You can save a new variant of a report, by clicking on the Save icon and selecting File > Save As.

Quick Tips

Many of the reports are highly interactive, and right-clicking will display a number of actions that can be taken.

Columns can be easily dragged & dropped for re-ordering.

Clicking on various aspects of the chart may enable some in-report filtering.

Save a variation of the report after you've made the filters you often make to increase operational efficiency.

You can multi-select cells of the table and right-click to be given options around excluding and keeping only certain line items of the report for review.


Rows/Dimensions are categorized into a few standard folders. The folder structure is represented below.


Structure within Folder


  1. Mailing Categories - This folder is reserved for client-specific campaign-related dimensions. Placeholders are replaced with names per client onboarding

  2. A/B Test - The Test identifier of an A/B/n test

  3. Campaign - Campaign Name

  4. Campaign Tags - Campaign Categorization Tags

  5. Campaign Type - Broadcast v. Triggered

  6. Email Subject Line - Personalized subject line. This field will show the resulting subject line from using Zeta Markup Language for dynamic content

  7. Link Report Name - The marketer-friendly reporting name of the Link of an email

  8. Link URL - The URL of a Link of an email

  9. Template Subject Line - Subject line input at the campaign.  This field will show the code used to derive the subject line when using Zeta Markup Language for dynamic content

  10. Version - The Version of a multi-version campaign

Date and Time

  1. Time

    1. Event AM/PM - AM/PM designation for response events

    2. Event Hour - hour designation for response events

    3. Event Time - minute designation for response events

    4. Sent AM/PM - AM/PM designation for sends

    5. Sent Hour - hour designation for sends

    6. Sent Time - minute designation for sends

  2. Event Date - calendar date for response events

  3. Event Day of Week/Day of week for response events

  4. Event Month - month for response events

  5. Event Quarter - quarter for response events

  6. Event Week - week for response events

  7. Event Year - year for response events

  8. Sent Date - calendar date for sends

  9. Sent Day of Week/Day of the week for sends

  10. Sent Month - month for sends

  11. Sent Quarter - quarter for sends

  12. Sent Week - week for sends

  13. Sent Year - year for sends


  1. Bounce Category - Type of Bounce: Hard v. Soft

  2. Bounce Phrase - Additional detail on the Bounce Reason

  3. Bounce Status - Normalized detail on the Bounce Reason

  4. Domain - Email recipient domain

Dimension Keys

This folder is reserved for client-specific dimensions. Placeholders are replaced with names per client onboarding.

Host Page

Displays the full URL of the host page.

Landing Page

Displays the full URL of the landing page.

Referring Page

Displays the full URL of the referring page.


This folder is reserved for client-specific subscriber-related dimensions. Placeholders are replaced with names per client onboarding.

Columns & Metrics

Here you will find both Unique and Total metrics:



The unique number of persons who recorded a specific event within the given criteria. The unique count depends upon the Rows/Dimensions selected above.

The count of the number of events regardless of how many events a single person recorded.

Columns/Metrics are categorized into a few standard folders.  The folder structure is represented below.


Structure within Folder

Delivery Metrics

  1. Blocked Bounces - ISP Blocks of messages from the platform

  2. Bounce Rate - Bounces / Sent (Total)

  3. Bounces - Blocked Bounces + Hard Bounces + Soft Bounces + Other Bounces

  4. Delivered - The number of received Delivered Events from the ISPs

  5. Delivery Rate - Delivered / Sent

  6. Failed - Sent minus Delivered

  7. Hard Bounces - Bounces that include email addresses that do not exist and domains that do not exist

  8. Other Bounces - Bounces that are not categorized as Hard, Soft, or Blocked

  9. Sent (Total) - The total number of messages pushed from the system

  10. Sent (Unique)

  11. Skipped - The number of messages that were suppressed at send for a specified reason including Control Groups and 

  12. Soft Bounces - The number of potentially temporary soft bounces such as full inbox

  13. Targeted - The total number of messages Sent + Skipped

Device Metrics

Device metrics for opens may be less accurate for ISPs that cache images or links for a customer and metrics should be used for identifying trends and changes across campaigns over time

  1. Desktop Click Share (Total)

  2. Desktop Click Share (Unique)

  3. Desktop Clicks (Total)

  4. Desktop Clicks (Unique)

  5. Desktop Conversion Share (Total)

  6. Desktop Conversion Share (Unique)

  7. Desktop Conversions (Total)

  8. Desktop Conversions (Unique)

  9. Desktop Open Share (Total)

  10. Desktop Open Share (Unique)

  11. Desktop Opens (Total)

  12. Desktop Opens (Unique)

  13. Mobile Phone Click Share (Total)

  14. Mobile Phone Click Share (Unique)

  15. Mobile Phone Clicks (Total)

  16. Mobile Phone Clicks (Unique)

  17. Mobile Phone Conversion Share (Total)

  18. Mobile Phone Conversion Share (Unique)

  19. Mobile Phone Conversions (Total)

  20. Mobile Phone Conversions (Unique)

  21. Mobile Phone Open Share (Total)

  22. Mobile Phone Open Share (Unique)

  23. Mobile Phone Opens (Total)

  24. Mobile Phone Opens (Unique)

  25. Tablet Click Share (Total)

  26. Tablet Click Share (Unique)

  27. Tablet Clicks (Total)

  28. Tablet Clicks (Unique)

  29. Tablet Conversion Share (Total)

  30. Tablet Conversion Share (Unique)

  31. Tablet Conversions (Total)

  32. Tablet Conversions (Unique)

  33. Tablet Open Share (Total)

  34. Tablet Open Share (Unique)

  35. Tablet Opens (Total)

  36. Tablet Opens (Unique)

  37. Unknown Click Share (Total)

  38. Unknown Click Share (Unique)

  39. Unknown Clicks (Total)

  40. Unknown Clicks (Unique)

  41. Unknown Conversion (Total)

  42. Unknown Conversion Share (Total)

  43. Unknown Conversion Share (Unique)

  44. Unknown Conversions (Unique)

  45. Unknown Open Share (Total)

  46. Unknown Open Share (Unique)

  47. Unknown Opens (Total)

  48. Unknown Opens (Unique)

Performance Metrics

  1. Avg. Clicks

  2. Avg. Opens

  3. Avg. Order value

  4. Avg. Revenue per Campaign

  5. Avg. Revenue per Unique Conversion

  6. Click Rate (Total)

  7. Click Rate (Unique)

  8. Click to Open Rate (Total)

  9. Click to Open Rate (Unique)

  10. Clicks (Total)

  11. Clicks (Unique)

  12. Conversion Rate (Total)

  13. Conversion Rate (Unique)

  14. Conversion Rate of Clicks (Unique)

  15. Conversions (Total)

  16. Conversions (Unique)

  17. Open Rate (Total)

  18. Open Rate (Unique)

  19. Opens (Total)

  20. Opens (Unique)

  21. Profile Unsub Rate (Total)

  22. Profile Unsub Rate (Unique)

  23. Profile Unsubscribes (Total)

  24. Profile Unsubscribes (Unique)

  25. Reply Unsub Rate (Total)

  26. Reply Unsub Rate (Unique)

  27. Reply Unsubscribes (Total)

  28. Reply Unsubscribes (Unique)

  29. Revenue

  30. Revenue per Net Delivered

  31. Spam Complaints (Total)

  32. Spam Complaints (Unique)

  33. Spam Rate (Total)

  34. Spam Rate (Unique)

  35. Unsubscribe Click Rate (Total)

  36. Unsubscribe Click Rate (Unique)

  37. Unsubscribe Clicks (Total)

  38. Unsubscribe Clicks (Unique)

  39. Unsubscribe Rate (Total)

  40. Unsubscribe Rate (Unique)

  41. Unsubscribes (Total)

  42. Unsubscribes (Unique)

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