Automotive Services & Retailer Example

Please review the following content prior to diving into this example.
An Automotive retailer uses the Zeta Marketing Platform to capture all their e-commerce, automotive scheduling, and work orders, and maintain car history and marketing preferences for a customer. The ZMP is the central repository of customer and car information that is accessible via API by their customer service team, POS system, and garage work order to maintain the most up-to-date details for their customers.
For this automotive retailer, the identifiers listed below are utilized in multiple ways and by multiple systems. Zeta provides the ability to do an API call to look up customers or vehicles, and if none is found, a new user is to be created. Zeta will ingest key fields to then use for match, consolidation, and any householding logic to create that new customer ID.
"customer_id": "CUST123456",
"client_key": "CKEY789012",
"hh_id": "HH987654",
"loyalty_number": "LOYAL3210",
"vehicles": [
"car_vin": "1HGCM82633A123456",
"car_model": "Honda Accord",
"car_make": "Honda",
"car_year": 2020,
"engine_type": "2.4L L4 DOHC 16V"
"email": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"preferred": "primary",
"opt_in": true
"phone": {
"primary": "+1-234-567-8901",
"secondary": "+1-234-567-8902",
"preferred": "primary",
"sms_opt_in": true
"address": {
"mailing": {
"address_line_1": "123 Main St.",
"address_line_2": "Apt 4B",
"city": "Springfield",
"state": "IL",
"country": "USA",
"zip": "62701"
"billing": {
"address_line_1": "456 Secondary St.",
"address_line_2": "Suite 1A",
"city": "Springfield",
"state": "IL",
"country": "USA",
"zip": "62702"
"preferred": "mailing"
"social_media": {
"twitter": "@johndoe",
"instagram": "john_doe",
"facebook": "john.doe.123",
"linkedin": "john-doe-456"
"preferred_contact_method": "email",
"do_not_contact": false
"name": {
"prefix": "Mr.",
"first_name": "John",
"middle_name": "A.",
"last_name": "Doe",
"suffix": "Jr."
"gender": "Male",
"birth_month": "June",
"addresses": [
"address_line_1": "123 Main St",
"address_line_2": "Apt 4B",
"city": "Springfield",
"state": "IL",
"country": "USA",
"zip": "62701",
"address_type": "Home"
"employee_flg": "Yes",
"is_fleet_customer": "No",
"preferred_delivery_channel": "Email",
"language_preference": "English",
"rewards_number": 123456,
"is_pro_driver": "Yes",
"pro_driver_status": "Active",
"pro_driver_entry_date": "2022-07-05",
"vip_status": "Gold",
"vip_entry_date": "2021-01-15",
"vip_expire_date": "2023-01-15",
"vip_status_update_date": "2022-01-10",
"direct_mail_consent": "Yes",
"survey_consent": "No",
"autoshop_card_holder": "Yes",
"vehicles": [
"vin": "1HGCM82633A123456",
"license_plate_number": "ABC-1234",
"license_state": "CA",
"make": "Toyota",
"model": "Camry",
"mileage": 15000,
"year": 2020
In addition to standard campaign events including campaign sends, delivers, opens, and clicks, the automotive retailer captures the following events to guide experiences and personalization for its customers.
Event Type | Description | Sample Event Properties |
| A purchase, either in store or online. |
| A signup for an email newsletter |
| An update on a customer order |
| A return of a purchase |
| An open of the automotive mobile app |
| Confirmation of a service appointment made for a vehicle at a store |
| A return of a purchase |
| Service estimate for vehicle for customer |
| Vehicle inspection results captured on customer profile |
| Incoming Shop Work Order for Vehicle in association to customer and store |
| An update to the number of points earned, used, or expired, triggered from a loyalty platform. |
Resources // Placeholder
Resource Types | Resource Schema | Description |
| Products represent the items that the retailer sells online and in store, including details about variants and other product metadata. These are reference in purchase events and used for product recommendations. |
| Stores represent store locations and their detailsfor the retailer. These are referenced in purchase events, preferred store properties on user profiles, and employee resources. |
| |
| Employees represent associates and employees associated with the retailer. These are referenced in purchase events and to customize email communications from the managers of the customer’s preferred store. |
| Coupons represent one-time coupon codes that are sent via marketing and displayed as bar codes. See Coupon Code Setup for more details. |
Data Connections
The automotive retailer connects data from a variety of sources within its enterprise.

A visualization like this, with the details described below shown in it, would be better than the table.
Source | Formats | Data Types |
Automotive Websites | JavaScript API | People, Events Details about customer interactions and information gathered from their websites. |
Automotive Mobile App | Mobile SDK Events | People, Events |
Point of Sale System | CSV | People, Events Details about customers who have made purchases and returns in store. |
eCommerce Platform | XML | People, Events Details and preferences about customers who have made online purchases and returns. |
Garage Work Order System | CSV | Events Details about garage work orders being requested. |
Loyalty Data Platform | Semicolon-Separated Text File | People, Events Details about loyalty rewards status |
Human Capital Management Platform | Pipe-Delimited Text File | Resources Details about store employees/associates. |
Consent Management Platform | CSV | People, Events Details about user consent |
Enterprise Database | Postgres Database | Resources Details about store locations and product SKUs. |