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Audience Sources

Upon clicking on Explore Audience in the Segments & Lists summary page, a prompt to choose an Audience Source will be presented. Audiences can be built using both the provided choices: My Customers and Zeta Prospects.

My Customers

When choosing to filter using My Customers, four, sometimes five, filter types will be presented. Use one or more of these filter types to define a segment or list based on the underlying customer dataset.

Filter Type



Uses customer profile properties to define filter criteria. These customer properties are unique to your ZMP account’s customer dataset.


Uses events and event properties to define filter criteria. These events are unique to your ZMP account.


Uses the following campaign events to define filter criteria

  • Send

  • Skip

  • Deliver

  • Open

  • Click

  • Bounce

  • Unsubscribe


Uses other segment membership and/or segment entry/exit information to define filter criteria.

Query Database (must be enabled)

Uses a query against previously configured Snowflake or Google BigQuery data sets to define filter criteria.

Once an initial filter is chosen, click on the (plus) on the far left to add additional filters, including a Zeta Prospects filter. To add a nested filter, click on the (plus) directly to the left of the appropriate (previously added) filter.

Zeta Prospects

When choosing to filter using Zeta Prospects, five filter types will be presented. Use one or more of these filter types to define a Customer or Prospect Segment or List based on the underlying Zeta Data Cloud dataset.

This means that, in addition to creating standard Prospect Audiences for Acquisition, for people in a customer dataset that match up with people in the Zeta Data Cloud, a Customer Segment or List can be created using only Zeta Prospect filters.

Filter Type


Prospect Segments

Choose behavior-based intent audiences across hundreds of topics.


Use a lookalike audience to start with prospects who look like your best customers.

Matched Lists

Use a matched list to create an audience based on an existing customer list.

Demographic Filters

Filter based on demographic data from the Zeta Data Cloud

  • Without Demographic filters: All audiences with and without income and age information would be counted in for estimation. 

  • With Demographic filters: On selecting demographic filters age and income filters are selected by default and applied. Users without income and age data would be excluded and filtering happens within users having the selected filter information. Hence the count is lower.


Filter based on location information from the Zeta Data Cloud

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