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An Overview

Successful marketers need actionable and timely insights to help acquire, retain and grow their customer base. To that end, the Opportunity Explorer provides a cohesive and actionable view of the market and customer insights, leverages the Zeta Data Cloud’s rich real-time signals for analysis including behavioral, transactional, location, and credit bureau data, and has the ability to activate people-based solutions in an omnichannel approach.


Market-Level Insights

The market-level insights demonstrate the power of Zeta’s Data Cloud. These insights are included in the Opportunity Explorer setup and do not require any client data.

Note: A 1:1 match for every brand may not be possible, in this case, the Opportunity Explorer will present similar or relevant brands.

With the market-level insights, marketers can get a clear view into the competitive landscape, discussion indexes relative to customer vertical and brands, and audience interests and reach without any client data. Market-level insights can be used to the best time and inform messaging to prospects against industry trends.

Audience Solutions

  • Audience Solutions provides a view of the whole prospect universe. This universe is organized into 6 types of audiences. These are demographic audiences, behavior or intent-based audiences, transaction-based audiences, location-based audiences, financial & household audiences, and business-based audiences. Not only are these audiences primed and ready for acquisition, but the audiences also imply opportunities for cross-selling and upselling to existing customers.

    • Behavior audiences are derived from online content consumption. There are more than 900 different behavior-based audiences.

    • Transaction audiences use credit card rewards data from over 500 brands.

    • Visitation audiences are based on in-real-life visits to brick-and-mortar stores and contain more than 700 brands to explore.

    • Financial & household audiences can be used to target individuals based on traits such as household composition and creditworthiness.

    • Business2Person audiences are curated from professional information such as company size and job function.


  • MarketPulse predicts consumer sentiment and propensity to spend across key verticals in the United States. MarketPulse provides a visualization of broad-based, behavioral signals, brand affinities, and vertical-level consumer trends based on Zeta proprietary data to identify market opportunities. MarketPulse is used to identify key macro and economic trends as well as consumer confidence & spend propensity to help marketers determine budgetary, targeting and other decisions. Some key indicators in this report include the Economic Activity Score which is a reflection of the economic health of the United States.


  • CompetitorPulse provides market insights that deliver industry and brand-level transaction patterns across brands. These insights help identify consumer loyalty, shopping behaviors, physical visits, in-market consumers, and competitors. The industry audience and brand level analysis helps marketers identify in-market intenders, conquest prospects from competitors, and retain existing customers.

AudiencePulse - Online & Visitation Trends

  • AudiencePulse - Online Trends compares the sizes of Zeta behavioral audiences in the US. This helps marketers stay relevant to the latest online trends by tracking interests over time. Online trends display content consumption behavior related to a client’s brand.

  • AudiencePulse - Visitation Trends compares customer visit patterns to physical brand locations in the US. Comparing visitation trends of a brand vs its competitors can help find the DMAs that matter. The insights it provides show how often customers are visiting a client’s brand against competitors over a daily, weekly, or monthly aggregate.

Zeta Discussion Index (ZDI)

  • The ZDI provides content consumption and publishing trends for topics relevant at the vertical and/or brand level. This report enables us to identify products or lines of business relevant to consumers, as well as the creative direction with who to serve and what ads to use. Having visibility into what the current topics trends are within different demographic groups, helps us compare consumption trends across demographic groups and measure campaign performance.

Zeta Calendar

  • The Zeta Opportunity Calendar highlights US holidays, observances, and events throughout the year and provides marketers with recommended audiences to target.

Customer-Level Insights

Customer-level insights provide the rationale and justification for incorporating 1st-Party Data. These insights are available when either the client’s CRM data is provided or a pixel is placed on a client’s web page.

Customer-level insights provide marketers a view into customer-level trends and other information after enrichment from the Zeta Data Cloud which houses one of the largest people-based identity footprints. The customer-level insights provide in-depth analysis of client data and campaign performance to provide impactful next steps. These insights further help marketers better understand their customers, opening new opportunities for growth and retention.

CustomerPulse PII and Digital

  • CustomerPulse PII (Personally Identifiable Information) is a tool within the Opportunity Explorer that is used to help understand existing customers and identify new customers to maximize revenue opportunities. By matching customer PII, such as email, name, postal address or phone number, to Zeta’s data cloud, CustomerPulse provides a deep dive into vertical-specific use cases for coverage, acquisition, retention, and growth, leveraging the Data Cloud's online, transactional, location, financial and household datasets.​ ​​

  • CustomerPulse Digital contains a Zeta analysis of digitally identified customers, such as website visitors. This analysis provides insights on profile, behavioral, transactional, visitation and financial & household datasets, identifying opportunities to better engage and acquire new customers.


  • The DMAPulse provides actionable insight on a brand’s geographies that are currently under and/or overinvested due to emerging growth and risk dynamics. This optimization feature helps clients understand how their stores, by location, are performing as well as determine how to allocate spending and manage a client’s budget more effectively.

Info: Features, preferences, and settings may vary by account.

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