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From the Settings tab, select Account to set and modify the company profile for the account including the account name, can-spam mailing address, and timezone. After adjusting the relevant values, click on Save at the bottom of the form.


The address entered here can be populated in your content automatically using {{account_company_address}} at the location where the address should be populated.


Setting the appropriate timezone here will help those setting up campaigns to schedule them to deploy at the right time for the account. It will also adjust the time that timestamps display throughout the platform.

Make sure you change the timezone of the account to (UTC -04:00) EST5EDT from the default (UTC -05:00) EST timezone. EST5EDT automatically adjusts to daylight savings time changes.

Website Tags

You can view and download website tags running on your websites from your account without the need to contact Zeta Support.

You have Read-Only access to your website tags. Reach out to support in order to make changes to them.

Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Website Tags.

  • Click on the action menu () against a website tag and select View, Copy Code, or Download from the dropdown.

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